Hero Names

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Miri's PoV

Walking into the classroom, I pray that some of the heroes want me to be their sidekick or something.

The results are written on the board. Todoroki got the most, followed by Katsuki, and then Tokoyami.

"Looks like more heroes want Todoroki than Bakugo, even though he got second!" Someone calls out.

Someone else responds, "Probably 'cause Bakugo had to get chained up like a beast!"

I just found that part hilarious. He was really like a crazed animal that needed help. So that description fits him perfectly.

Aizawa walks in the class and clarifies what's on the board. "But first, we have something very important to do."

"Please don't be a test. Pleeease." I hear Kaminari beg quietly.

"You're going to choose your hero names." Aizawa states.

The whole class starts cheering and speaking amongst each other.

"Yeah, yeah. But Midnight will be watching you guys. I'm taking a nap." He crawls into his yellow sleeping bag under his desk.

"Hello class! Here are your papers to write your hero names on!" Midnight strolls in and gives each person a couple pieces of paper. "You'll have some time to brainstorm and write them down, and then you'll come up and tell everyone your hero name! But remember, this might be what people call you for the rest of your life!"

Most people start scribbling their hero names on their papers. Next to me, Katsuki is furiously scratching something in his paper. Me? I slump in my seat, but then sit up and hold my pencil over my paper. My hand starts quickly vibrating, and I drop my pencil.

I can't do this... what should my hero name be? Why the heck am I even in this world.

Everyone else in here has probably been knowing what theirs would be ever since they got their quirks. What should mine be...

Ah! Some people are already finished.

I think harder. Should it relate to my quirks? All of them? I mostly use my explosions for combat, my ice to stall, and I don't even use my Frog quirk that much! Just to shut people up by slapping them and the occasional lift.

I nervously look around. Time is running out. The first part could be... maybe...

The Three Powered Hero,

The Three Powered Hero, who? What will they know me by? Who is the girl with three quirks? Mixing all of them to make a name will end up badly, surely. Like my costume.


My costume! I didn't think about mixing my quirks, I just though if what I liked. What name to I like.

Boom Boom Ice Frog? Ok now I'm kidding myself. Triple Threat? Isn't that a wrestling thing or something...
Miri? That's my name. Not creative, but...

I hate time limits, and sometimes I love them. Right now, I hate them. I need an inspiration.

"I can't think of anything!" I whisper to Katsuki.

"That's not my problem, slowpoke." He whispers back.

"Come onnnn... I need help."

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