Little Birthday Girl

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yikes this chapter ended up wayyyy longer than it was supposed to, hence why it also took me long to edit—I literally deleted a bunch of scenes
if you wanna skip this chapter, go ahead 💀 I can barely read through it

Miri's PoV

Not much changed after adding Chieko into our little team. But of course, we couldn't always go charging into battle with her nearby. Whenever we're out and about, one of us has to be on Guard Chieko Duty. And... that kind of became our daily life.

(Yes- out and about. Perhaps we stumbled across a rich neighborhood and claimed a house. It was for sale, anyways, so it's not like we barged in on someone's current home.)

Search for villains all day, goof off at times, relax sometimes. Time flew by like that.

364 Days Later...

My eyes shoot open as soon as I wake up. It's the day. I quickly wash my face and brush my teeth and creep back in to mine and Chieko's shared room. Kneeling by her bedside, I awake her with a, "Happy birthday, Ko!"

She wakes up and rubs her eyes. Her voice comes out quiet and coarse. "Huh...?"

She looks so cute

"You're seven!" I exclaim, lifting her up.

She tries to crawl back to the warmth of her covers, but I pull her out again. She sits in the bed, too tired to realize what's going on. "No... I'm six, Mirrrrr." She yawns, but it turns into a gasp. "It's my birthday!" She realizes, and jumps on her covers.

During the almost-year she has been with us, her hair grew out a little, with uneven bangs and two locks that curled around the side of her face. Her hair was a much darker shade of brown than what it used to me.

"I wanna have hair like Miri!'

She decided she wanted black hair within a week of being with us. And after a failed attempt at trying to dye her hair black, little Ko decided she liked the dark brown result even better.

"It's like chocolate! Yummy"

Once I finish helping her get dressed into somewhat prettier clothes than her typical outfit, I carry her down the stairs into the kitchen. I lean on the island, my elbows propped up on it with my chin resting on my hands. "How do crepes sound? The birthday girl should have her favorite food!" I say.

"I love crepes!" She clasps her hands, bouncing in her seat.

"Crepes? You better not be making this kid eat unhealthy shit!" Katsuki storms down the stairs.

"Fine fine. I'll slip in some fruit." I give in.

"No I want unhealthy shit!" Chieko pleads. She probably has no idea what she even said. Katsuki snorts.

"NO, KO, YOU CAN'T SAY THAT!" I rush over to cover her mouth. "That's a bad word. Do you want to be like Katsuki?"

She turns to the guy leaning against the entrance to the kitchen. She taps her chin, thinking about my question. "Katuksi is strong. I wanna be like Katuksi!" She runs to Katuksi (when he introduced himself, she heard him wrong and has called him by that name ever since).

"Well Katsuki doesn't want you to have a yummy breakfast, even though you're the birthday girl!" I do my best to put on a sad face.

She gasps and runs away from him. "Nevermind!" Chieko sticks her tongue out at him and makes a disgusted face. "It's my birthday," she pouts, trying to cross her arms, but it looks like she's hugging her stomach.

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