Reunion Gone Wrong

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Miri's PoV

I avoid getting hit by jumping back. But it looks like I got used to being able to jump back way faster in My Hero Academia because just now I only back to scoot back a few inches.

"It worked?" Katsuki stands up and looks around. He jumps up and pumps a fist in the air. Looking confused, he jumps several more times. "WHY CAN'T I JUMP HIGH."

I laugh and answer, "That's how it is here."

"Hold up. I know you and you." Zenith points to Kirishima and Katsuki. "But who are you two?" He points to Yu and Michiko.

I sigh and introduce him to everyone, and the same for them.

"Why do I look different?" Yu says, eyeing at her arms and legs. "Everything in this world looks so weird," she notices.

Kirishima slings his arm around her shoulder. "You still look just as cute, though." He earns a shy shut up from his girlfriend.

"Ew. Anyways. Welcome to my world." Zenith says, spreading his thin arms. He's a year younger than me, but he's taller and leaner.

"And why doesn't my quirk work?" Katsuki asks.
What could he possibly be trying to blow up already?

"This is a magic-less, quirk-less, boring normal world!" I say. I had gotten so used to quirks that I was a bit upset when I realized I couldn't use them here.

"How did you guys get here, anyways?" I question. I'm sure they didn't just fall from the sky by some pure coincidence.

"Well, we actu-" Kirishima starts, but is cut off by Yu who exclaims,

"Bakugo wished us here!"

"You're kidding, right?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Well, they were too distressed to think straight," Eijiro started, earning flares from Yu and Katsuki. "so I just thought, if you wished to our world, why couldn't we do the same?"

I can't really argue with that logic. If I did it, I guess they can too. I'm not surprised they were together, but how'd Michiko get here? "Michiko, how'd you get here?"

She shrugs. "I was being all sad thinking about you, then poof I heading straight for a sidewalk. From the air. In a different world."

After standing there awkwardly for a few more seconds, Yu states, "I'm hungry."

We all then admit we are also hungry. And so begins our journey to the nearest place with food. We find a convenient store and pick out sandwiches for all of us. At the counter where we pay, Michiko pulls out money. I eye it, then whisper, "That currency isn't going to work here."

She nods understandably. I nudge Zenith, hoping he has cash on him.

"Yeah yeah whatever." He says, pulling out a credit card.

He has a credit card? What did I miss out on!?

After eating we walk back to the gate, but midway, I hear a noise. It sounds like a twig cracking. I hear a grown man mutter a curse, and then yell "Just get them! Go! Go! Go!"

A bunch a people come out of their hiding and grab us. I try biting their hands and kicking them everywhere, and eventually screaming, but the guy that grabbed me just covers my mouth with his gloved hand.

We're pulled a couple feet from where we were standing before, and thrown into the back of a large van.

The van starts to moving as soon as the people who took us shut their doors.

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