The Changes We Learn

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Miri's PoV

They all look at me expectantly. I'm not sure if I want to go back to My Hero Academia or not. I'm missing learning from my school here, but I'm learning there, while also mastering my quirks. I'd hate to leave Zenith and Ellie, but it's not as if I'd be able to live in my house.

"Well," I start, "I don't have anywhere to live here, and I have been doing good in the other world..." Zenith's face falls.
What if he came too?

I turn to my brother. "I- I mean, you could come, too, if you want."

My friends exchange glances between each other and nod in agreement. At least they're cool with it. Zenith purses his lips. He seems tempted to and eventually gives in. "I want to go!"

I look at everyone. "Here goes nothing."

Hey, uh, beings in charge of this wishing thing. Could you take us back to My Hero Academia if that's oka—


Before I can think another thought, we're dropped in front of UA. It's hotter outside than it was the last time I was here—which was a couple hours ago. We all walk in, and the school is deserted. Completely empty. Not only that, it feels like no one has been here in a while.

Around the corner, I see a red scarf.

"What's going on here!?" Katsuki yells.

Then the owner of the scarf appears. I try to contain my gasp when  the owner of the scarf reveals himself.

"It's the hero killer. Stain." I whisper, frightened.

"How could you not know what's going on? Well I'll tell you before I kill you all." Stain says. "When I was about to kill a useless hero Native, a UA kid was out to avenge his brother by killing me. He introduced himself as Ingenium. I was about to kill him when another one of you, this one with curly green hair, came and battled. Then another one of you came. He had two hair colors and two quirks. Endeavor's son. They came close to beating me, but I paralyzed them all. Then they ran away, but Native was still paralyzed, so I killed him."

Wait—they weren't supposed to run away?

"The villains started taking over cities, one at a time, with me leading them, until all heroes and citizens were either dead or went into hiding. So many are hiding. It's boring. As of right now, the villains rule all of Japan." He grins. "Now I'll kill you."

He pulls out his knife and charges at me first, I jump out of the way before he can draw any blood. "His quirk is called Blood Curdle!" I yell. "If he ingests someone's blood, he can paralyze them for a certain amount of time according to their blood type! Don't let him take your blood!"

He runs faster, swinging knifes from both of his hands, with all of us trying to stop him with our quirks. I created a sword out of ice and charge at him, barely managing to cut his side. I almost lose my balance and come close to falling over.

My friends and I throw scattered attacks at him, too afraid to get close. Yu, Kirishima and Zenith stand awkwardly off to the side. One's quirkless, and the other two can't do much without getting close.

Next to me, Katsuki mutters under his breath, "Just wanna give him a taste of his own medicine, damn."

I snap my fingers. "You're a genius!"

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