The Human Cavalry Battle

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Miri's PoV

"Good job everyone! The top 42 players in the race will move on to the next round!" Midnight announces.

The top 42 players flash on a large screen.

"The next round will be a human cavalry battle! You will be in teams of 2 to 4, and you will form a horse back arrangement. The rules are mostly the same. Try to take the enemy's headband, while guarding your own. BUT! There's a catch. The value of your headbands will be based on your outcome of the previous round. The last place person will be worth 5 points, with the 41st place person worth 10 points, and so on. With the exception of the first place person being worth 10 MILLION POINTS!"

Everyone looks at poor Izuku. Almost no one will want to be on his team...

Izuku pales, obviously not enjoying the attention.
"You have 15 minutes to form your teams! Your time!" Midnight concludes.

Everyone scrambles around trying to get on a good team. And, surprise, surprise, over half of class 1A is crowding Katsuki, trying to get on his team.

"Pick me, Bakugo!"
"I'll be good to have!"
"I'm the best for you to have!"

Katsuki then asks all of them, "Remind me what your names and quirks are?"

"Come on we're your classmates, and you don't know that!?" Someone yells.

I, of course want to be on his team, because of all that training we did together, but I try not to crowd him. He would be a good choice to be in a team with, though.

Instead I walk around behind Katsuki, where no one is, and shake his shoulder lightly.

"Who the-" he starts, but the he turns around and says instead, "Oh, Miri."

"Can I be on your soon to exist team?" I request.

"Sure." He shrugs.

"You just let her in like that!?"

"Can we be on your now existing team?" Kirishima walks up with Yu.

"Tch. Sure, whatever." He replies.

Yu and I fist bump each other in excitement.
Everyone else, seeing Katsuki's team is full, scatters to form their own teams.

"Time's up!" Midnight says after a few more minutes pass. "Everyone get ready...set...go!"

Most people charge to Izuku, but I tell my members that we should go after this blond dude. (By the way, Katsuki is the rider, no surprise there.)

If Kirishima knew where I'm from, I could just tell them about Monoma... but he doesn't.

As we near him, I tell my friends, "His name is Neito Monoma. His quirk is called Copy. If he touches you, he can copy your quirk for 5 minutes, I think."

"How'd you know?" Kirishima glances at me with a confused expression

"Met him a while ago," I make up a quick lie, and he seems to buy it

Monoma notices us as soon as we get close to him and his team.

"Aren't you the guy who showed us how stuck up your class is?" He says with a snarky tone to Katsuki.

"Get over here I'ma kill you!" Katsuki reaches out to blast his face. Monoma tries to touch Katsuki's arm, but I pull back his arm just in time.

"Watch out, Katsuki!" I order him.

"My, what a personality. So I see you know what my quirk is? That doesn't matter. Your rider has no sense and will surely lead your team to defeat!" He says smugly.
He's just trying to enrage Katsuki

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