3: A Walmart Adventure

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"Poor buddies! Annabeth, can I release them? They're telling me how much they're suffering." Percy stared sadly at the fish in their tanks. Nico chuckled at it, knowing that he was going to do that.

"Only if you know you can get away with it. And that you don't call any of us when you're getting in trouble." Annabeth responded.

"Got it!" Percy started on trying to free the creatures. Nico walked away, not wanting anyone to think he was at all with him. He found his way to Jason and Piper. Piper seemed busy charm speaking someone to let go of the last of something.

Thalia was browsing a music section, Reyna close behind her. Leo was being an idiot, appearing to be throwing random noise-making toys across the store. That explained the loud quacking and rubber chicken that hit Percy in the head earlier.

Finally, Frank and Hazel, Nico's people. Well, Hazel and a bulldog that was running around her with a toy as she giggled.

"Hey Neeks! What's up?" Hazel asked when she noticed Nico. Frank looked at him, turning back to human, toy still in his mouth. Hazel giggled again.

"Percy's freeing the store fish and Leo is throwing rubber chickens around. I have nothing to do." Nico shrugged. Frank took the dog toy out of his mouth.

"Why aren't you getting school supplies?" Frank asked him.

"Why aren't you?" Nico shot back.

"Because we already did. You should probably get to doing that." Frank responded, gesturing to the basket with Frank and Hazel's supplies. Nico sighed, walking off to the school supplies section. Will was there already, various supplies in his hands.

"Yo." Will greeted quickly. Nico started looking around and gathering his own supplies.

"That's an awful lot of yellow there." Nico commented.

"I think it's the Apollo in me, making me go with the yellows. To be fair, I have greys too." Will showed off a light gray binder.

"The greys make it all better. Did you get a supplies list?" Nico asked. The fact that he was actually interacting with someone surprised even him.

"No, I'm just using one my old highschool used. There." Will handed Nico the old, slightly crumpled up paper. "It's from a while ago. I found it at the bottom of an old bag."

"Thanks." Nico went through the list, grabbing all that he needed. The bare minimum of everything he needed, at least, and all in black.

"Looks like we'll never mix up our supplies." Will chuckled.

"Good. Should I trust you to buy the food?" Nico asked. Will thought for a moment.

"Sure. I'd grab whatever you want too, though. And I'll pay for everything." Will answered. He started walking away, and Nico followed him.

"Leo, I'll kill you!" Leo ran right past them both, Reyna close behind him as she shouted. Thalia was found pretty nearby, laughing her ass off.

"What'd he do?" Nico asked, leaning against a shelf next to Thalia.

"Threw one of those loud, rubber chickens at her. It was fucking hilarious." Thalia answered. Will had already walked off with his stuff. A grinning Percy walked over to Nico and Thalia, Annabeth close behind.

"I got the fish out, transported them where they should be. They were really grateful." Percy explained. A cat and Hazel walked up to them, the cat purring and affectionately rubbing against Hazel's leg.

"Piper and Jason already left. Everyone ready to leave?" Annabeth said. The cat became Frank.

"I know we're ready." Frank answered. The rest of the group nodded. Leo rushed to them, and Reyna was close behind.

"This has been fun, but bad boy supreme is very likely in trouble with employees and we should be going." Leo told them, casually talking in the third person.

"Let's all get going, then." Percy announced. Everyone followed, and it wasn't until they saw Will in line that they realized they forgot about him.

"Yo. Am I paying for everyone here or what?" Will asked as the group walked up to him. Everyone seemed to agree that that'd be easiest and got everything they were getting on the little conveyor belt. The poor employee already looked completely done.

"I mainly got junk food, ramen and shit like that." Will told Nico. Nico shrugged.

"I'm fine with that."

Will paid and they all left the store, carrying their respective bags of school supplies. Soon enough, they were all in the apartments. Will threw his bag on the ground as he walked in, putting all the food he'd gotten into cupboards.

"Gods, mortals are exhausting." Will muttered. Suddenly, he pulled an entire bow out of his wallet. He seemed happier even just holding it, aiming it at random things, though obviously not shooting.

"I'm assuming you like archery?" Nico commented.

"Yeah. Plus, being a kid of Apollo, having a bow around is nice. Gives me a small bit of energy."

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