40: Cerby

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"So... Do you kids... use protection?" Hades asked awkwardly. It got literally everyone in the room flustered.

"Dad, what the fuck." Nico commented.

"Language." Persephone told Nico.

"O Hades, great god of the underworld, what the fuck." Nico corrected.

"You know that I am not an amazing father, Nico, but I am trying." Hades pleaded. Persephone glared at Nico.

"Answer your father. All of you."

"Frank and I haven't done anything like that. New to the relationship." Hazel replied quietly. Frank nodded, both of which looking extremely flustered and embarrassed about the interaction. Persephone looked expectantly at Nico and Will. Will looked almost sick.

"We haven't fucked." Nico stated bluntly.

"Nico's, uh, underage, so there's that." Will added quietly.

"Aren't there laws about age differences?" Frank questioned.

"Yeah, there's a, a lot of confusion about that, on different sites. Some say it'd be okay, some say it wouldn't. New York's funky like that. Could we change the subject?" Will explained. He pressed his side against Nico's, held his hand tightly, and seemed to have lost his appetite.

"Will, as a son of Apollo, what abilities do you have? What do you do?" Hades asked him. Will felt extremely awkward, having the focus of a god be on him, though, Hades knew Hazel, Nico and Frank. He didn't know Will.

"Just, I mean, normal stuff? That doesn't mean anything, sorry. Heightened healing powers, musical prowess, And archery. Plus I have a sort of... Light magic, which is rare, and I'm not good at it, and I haven't used it at all, but it's there." Will answered.

"Why haven't you used the photokinesis? It seems like a waste of potential, that magic can be powerful if trained with and used correctly." Hades told him.

"I haven't been particularly, uh... trusting of any magic, as of late, so I just haven't."

"Why be untrusting of it?"

"Dad, how has cerberus been? Had he been a good boy?" Nico asked, changing the subject, since Will looked very uncomfortable with the thought of having to even vaguely talk about why.

"I forgot about Cerby! Can we see them before we leave? I wonder if they'll react to the fact I've been petting magic cats... Will, you should pet Cerberus and see if Luna or Solare care that you pet a dog!" Hazel proclaimed excitedly.

"Luna and Solare?" Hades questioned.

"Will and I accidentally made cats out of shadow and light. They're very cute and in love." Nico explained. "Will, I'm ready to go, if you are?"

"Yes, please." Will muttered.

"Dad, where's Cerby at? Let's say hi, and then Nico can get us all home!" Hazel said happily.

"Persephone can lead you to Cerberus, Nico and Hazel. I would like to talk to William and Frank for just a moment." Hades announced. Persephone sighed before standing up, Hazel quickly walking to her.

"Are you going to be alright?" Nico asked Will quietly. Will nodded, and Nico walked off with Hazel and Persephone.

"Frank, William?" Hades started.

"Yes, sir?" Frank and Will replied in unison.

"You both seem very polite and seem to make my children happy. I suggest that you continue to do so. That is to say... I approve. Thank you for making them happy. Now go say hello to my very good boy." Hades smiled at the two. Frank and Will smiled back at him, then at each other, then rushed off in the direction that Persephone and co. had gone.

They quickly said hello to the ultimate good boy, Cerberus, and then traveled back to Nico and Will's apartment.

"That was... Interesting! It was nice to talk to dad! Thank you for getting us there, Nico." Hazel told him.

"No problem." Nico replied shortly. Will seemed exhausted and, honestly, so was Nico. He wanted the guests out.

Frank and Hazel left soon after. Will flopped on the couch after taking off his shirt.

"You okay, amore?" Nico asked.

"I'm very tired and slightly anxious. I'll be better after cuddles."

And cuddle they did.

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