13: Fine

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"Hey Willy, remember that one time you stumbled into my room, drunk, wearing-" Natalie started, in front of the entire friend group.

"Sure do! I also remember that I was drunk because of a party you made me go to. And I remember what happened directly afterwards." Will spat.

"I would never force you go to a party, Willy! You must be remembering it wrong." Natalie told him sweetly.

"I am not, I can assure you. You forced me to do plenty, don't act like making me go to a party is even close to the worst thing you could've done." Will argued. The rest of the group didn't seem to know exactly what to make of that.

"I'm pretty sure Ragusano is a minotaur in disguise." Piper mentioned.

"He has to be. No human being could be that... that." Percy agreed.

"Let's just kill him and get it over with, then." Leo suggested, a bit too happy with the concept of killing him.

"If he isn't a monster, then it's just murder. And we can't do that. We need more evidence." Annabeth stated.

"But he's so terrible, no one would stop us if we just killed him in the middle of class. We probably wouldn't get in any trouble." Piper told her. Annabeth sighed.

"Murder all you want, just don't get the rest of us into it." Annabeth decided.

"I'm heading to Knittels to help him with something." Will stood up abruptly, starting to take his stuff with him.

"I'll come with you!" Natalie proclaimed with a grin.

"No, you won't." Will stated.

"I will, though, and you can't stop me." Nico told him, picking his own stuff up to follow Will.

"I wasn't going to stop you, you're great. See y'all." Will set off towards the aforementioned classroom with Nico close behind.

"What are you helping Knittel with?" Nico asked him.

"Literally anythin' he wants help with. I just wanted to hang out with the chill kids that stay in his classroom all the time. Plus I've heard that he'll play music from his speakers if he knows it's not explicit." Will explained.

"Makes sense. He's always seemed nice enough."

"Definitely. I accidentally came out to him and he was completely supportive, it was great. Dude's a saint."

"Hey, doc! Glad you're here, mate, I think I may have messed up me ankle and-" Some kid rushed up to Will the moment he was in the room.

"You're completely fine, man. You didn't break it. Don't worry." Will told him.

"You're magical." The dude told him, astounded. Will chuckled.

"Nah man." Will and Nico walked to a corner of the room, setting their stuff down.

"Apollo kid magic?" Nico questioned.

"Apollo kid magic. I can only do it with simple stuff like that, though. Sprained stuff, broken limbs." Will explained. "Hey K-nitty, what can I do?"

"It's lunch, Will, you don't do anything. I'll save all the labor for study hall. Hi Nico." Mr. Knittel told them.

"Thanks, skittles." Will smiled. Mr. Knittel seemed only slightly confused by the nickname. Nico and Will walked back into the corner where their stuff sat, sitting at the desks there.

"Soo... How was your relationship? With Natalie?" Nico asked Will suddenly. Will's demeanor seemed to change almost instantly.

"Shitty. More than a bit abusive, now that I look back on it. She gaslighted a lot, and other bullshit. She seems really nice, of course. Super cheery and shit. Which is probably the worst, how fake she is. It's fine though, I'm out of that whole mess and I'm fine. Why are you even asking?" Will told him.

"I just wanted to know what she's actually like. She did always seem fake... Why didn't you say anything? She obviously upsets you." Nico asked him. He seemed pretty concerned, leaning a bit closer to Will. Oddly, Will had no problem with the closeness, though he typically was a bit uncomfortable.

"She probably won't do anything to anyone in the group. If they don't see anything wrong with her, it's not my problem. And she doesn't upset me, it's fine." Will stated.

"It isn't fine, you're clearly uncomfortable when she's there. You can tell her to fuck off, you know." Nico assured him.

"It's really okay. The rest of the group seems to find her great or nice or whatever, I'm not gonna fuck that up." Will told him decidedly, finally moving a bit from Nico.

"Fine. That's your choice, go right ahead."

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