18: Quick

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Surprisingly, knowing those two idiots, the knowledge that they'd more than likely date each other, well it changed nothing. Neither of them did anything about it, really. Two disaster gays they were, truly and obviously. So their days went on as usual.

"I'm not watching the Emoji Movie." Nico stated.

"Come on! I had to see it and so should you. It's funnily bad." Will reasoned,

though Nico stood his ground.

"Absolutely not. I am not doing that. That sounds so beyond terrible." Nico told him, and Will couldn't really disagree with that.

"Oh, hey, I was planning on walking to Walmart, wanna join me? I can find someone else to come with." Will offered suddenly. Nico was already standing up and ready to go.

"I have wanted to go there myself, so I'm okay with that. I've got my sword, you have your bow?" Nico asked. Will nodded, then watched as Nico quickly fetched the nightmare black sword. Will never liked the sword much; it was honestly a bit terrifying, just looking at the thing. Seemed to make the shadows nearby just a bit darker, radiated death. The son of death holding that was certainly a lot. Though, it definitely did its job in a battle.

"Sure do. Plus all the healing shit in my bag."

"Okay, grab my arm." Nico told him. Will was quiet for a moment, not getting it.

"No shadow-traveling, Nico! We can just walk there, it's not even that far. Don't

expend energy when you don't have to." Will scolded. Nico sighed but he listened to him regardless, they could both argue about this for hours.

"Fine. You've got your wallet, too?" Nico asked.

"My bow and arrows are kind of in my wallet, so if I have the bow, I have the wallet. Ready to go?"

"Of course. Let's be fairly quick. And tell the group where we're going in case of something drastic."

Will sighed. "As per usual. You know, I'd like to not after carry weapons everywhere. An actual, mortal life'd be great." He lamented.

"Trust me, all demigods agree with that. We don't have much of a choice about that, though. So we can just suffer." Nico responded. Will chuckled.

"Fair enough. Alright, to Walmart we go." And so they set off to Walmart.

And everything was normal with that.

And then it wasn't.

"Don't look behind you, just keep walking, quicker. Multiple monsters behind us, I don't know how many, they seem large. Might not notice." Nico whispered to Will was they walked. Will didn't ask any questions, didn't even look behind him. He trusted Nico, and he got what was happening. Maybe the monsters wouldn't see them.

The monsters saw them.

"Son of Hades!" One of them shouted, quite stupid sounding. They were obviously very stealthy. Will saw Nico cringe, walking faster, faster, sprinting with his hand on his sword. Will was right up there with him, though they both knew that, depending on the monsters behind, there wasn't a whole lot of time.

Bow in hand and arrow notched, sword unsheathed and ready, Will and Nico faced the monsters in the realization that they couldn't run much longer.

They saw three, large eyes. Well, they did after looking up, at least. Three cyclopes, at least eight feet tall each, faced Nico and Will.

The son of Hades and son of Apollo were a bit intimidated, though neither would admit that.

Nico was already running directly at one, correctly assuming that Will could help to hold the other two back. A thin shield made of Shadows appeared at Nico's back as he ran at and slashed at one of the cyclopes. Will had backed up a good bit, aiming and shooting at both of the other two cyclopes. He aimed for the eyes, of course, but it didn't seem to be doing much. He started using a few different types of arrows, but it seemed to be largely in vain.

The fact that Will was getting rocks, and even his own arrows, thrown at him wasn't a huge help. He stayed fighting, though.

Will paid his attention mainly to shooting his main two cyclopes down, though he simply had to glance Nico occasionally. Nico was getting pretty beat up, but so was the cyclops he was slashing at. They both seemed to be in a good bit of pain.

The cyclops Nico was fighting went down suddenly, a shower of monster dust sprinkling upon him. Nico grinned and ran at the next one.

Will looked down for a moment, to select another arrow.

When he looked up, Nico was in the hand of one cyclops.

And after he blinked, Will watched as Nico was thrown at the wall behind him. And Will heard a crunch as Nico hit the wall, and a thump as Nico hit the ground, and a faint groan as Nico comprehended that he was just thrown against a wall.

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