41: Mario Kart

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"Mm kissy kiss." Will muttered. Nico chuckled, pulling Will closer to him.

"What was that?" Nico teased.

"Kissy kiss? Please?" Will whined slightly louder. Nico kissed him deeply, and Will smiled.

"That's so gay, Hey Siri, play girls/girls/boys." Piper commented. Her phone started playing said song.

"I love that song, so ha. Brendon Urie is a pansexual icon." Will stuck his tongue out at her.

"Me too, the fuck." Piper stated.

"Is that your way of coming out as pan?"



"Will, you do want to drop out and get back to camp, yes?" Nico questioned. Will nodded.

"Yeah? Of course."

"I contacted Chiron the other day and explained the situation. He would be very okay with us doing that." Nico informed.

"Aw, you're going to abandon us? Why?" Piper asked him.

"Stressful and dangerous as hell out here. Normal life sucks. Weird demigod life is better. Who wants to play mario kart?" Will offered.

"I do!" Nico smiled, excitedly shifting so he'd be in a better position to play. It was silent for a moment.

"Oh, I see, I have to set it up because you're too busy being gay and cuddly. Got it." Piper groaned, standing up to quickly get the game set up.

"Bring Jason over some time and it'll be more fair." Will suggested.

"Nah, he's too good sometimes. You two are more fun to mess around with. Alright nerds, who shall you play?" She tossed the two remotes and chose her own character.

"Toad, duh." Will decided. Piper groaned.

"Dry bones." Nico chose.

"Never would have guessed. I hope you're both ready to lose." Piper bragged. Will and Nico looked at each other, in a mutual agreement that they'd not let her win, no matter what.

"Rainbow road." Will said simply. Piper went ahead and chose a rainbow road.

"Will! Dangit, don't redshell me! Betrayal!" Nico shouted. Will seemed to flinch, shifting a small bit away from Nico. Nico frowned, but focused on the game for the moment.

"Nico, you death fucker, no. You keep that blueshell to yourself, young man, leave me alone." Piper growled. Nico chuckled.

"I'll kill you. I'll kill you in real life. I'm not even worried about it." Piper threatened calmly, falling back to third place.

"Will? Babe? Are you alright?" Nico asked him gently, trying to stay somewhat focused on the race.

"Yeah, sorry. Ya got loud and it scared me. And now I'm in second, so I'm all good." Will cuddled back up to Nico.

"I'm sorry for shouting." Nico told him quietly. Will shrugged, focusing on the game.

"It's fine."

"You're not in front of me for long, fucker." Piper stated, seeming all too into the video game.

"Yeah, you think that, asshole, but I'm in first and you can't beat me." Will taunted.

"I can beat you-Solare! You tiny asshole, Will, get your cat off of me!" Piper exclaimed. Will chuckled, making no attempt to get Solare off of Piper's controller.

"Solare knows where her loyalties lie, obviously." Nico commented. Solare stretched herself out obnoxiously across Piper, purring and sharing a knowing look with Will.

"She's getting so many kitty treats later." Will commented. And then Luna hopped up on Will. "No, damnit, babe, get her off I'm so close to winning! Luna, come on!"

"Suffer, my love." Nico told him.

"Nooo! Luna, you beautiful cat, please get off, you giant oaf." Will begged. Piper was gently trying to shove Solare off of her.

"Why are they like this. Why. My gods." Piper groaned. Will accepted his fate of dying, let go of the controller under Luna, and laid back, relaxing.

"Aha! I won! Will, are you actually asleep?" Nico asked.

"No... I'm really close though... she's so soft and calming..."

"That's adorable." Nico smiled, hugging Luna. It basically just became a cuddle pile of cats and gays.

"I'll just leave you to that." Piper chuckled, walking out and leaving the cuddle pile alone.

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