27: Cats

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"And I told him that, the issue is that people never listen-hey, the hell?" Nico was about to launch into a discussion about people being dicks, when he noticed Will. Will, and some other dude leaning against the fence in front of him. Will looked pretty uncomfortable, making an attempt to walk around the dude but being stopped. Nico watched for just a moment, and then Will was pinned, and he took some action.

Nico went directly up to the dude, shoving him off of Will and standing in front of Will protectively.

The dude scoffed. "Who're you? This aint none of your business."

"I'm his fucking boyfriend, so it is very much my business. So I suggest that you back away from him." Nico spat.

"Alright, alright, i gots it. Calm down, death breath." He put his hands up, walking away like nothing happened.

"Thank you." Will murmured.

"I had to do something." Nico told him. They both sat back down, Will leaning against Nico. It took them a moment to notice the rest of the group looking at them.

"Boyfriend, huh?" Leo asked cheekily. Nico and Will shared a knowing glance before kissing, obnoxiously, in front of them.

"Yeah. Boyfriend." Will answered.

"I knew it. I've always loved the idea of you two being together." Jason commented.

"So? What happened, you went from denial to kissing so quickly, dudes." Percy questioned.

"Something just changed suddenly." Nico shrugged. He seemed to be looking at Hazel primarily, waiting for her response, along with glancing at Reyna.

"Congrats big bro! I'm so happy for you! I hope Will makes you happy!" Hazel suddenly hugged Nico tightly, a grin on her face. Will felt pretty relieved. And then Hazel hugged him too.

"If you hurt Nico, you know you have the whole group after you. I don't think you will do anything wrong, but... don't." Hazel told Will quietly.

"Got it." Will chuckled.

"Rey?" Nico questioned.

"Hm? Thals was having me listen to something, did I miss something?" Reyna asked.

"Nico and Will are together." Piper told her.

"Oh. Congratulations. If either of you hurt each other, you're dead. You especially, Will." Reyna told them simply.

"Mission accomplished, everyone told about the relationship, everyone approves. All has gone well." Will smiled, pulling Nico close. Nico smiled.

"Indeed. Has anyone not yet met Luna and Solare?"

"We should have a party at your guys's apartment! So that everyone is guaranteed to meet them! It could be a movie night, that would be so fun!" Hazel suggested. There was a general murmur of agreement around the group.

"I'll be on jiffy pop detail." Piper added.

"Nice reference." Will told her.

"I knew you'd get that. Oh, we should watch that!"

"Watch what?" Nico questioned.

"Heathers, it's a cult classic. It's on Netflix, we certainly could watch it." Will agreed.

"Wait, what's it about?" Nico asked.

"Ever seen mean girls?" Piper asked him.

"I've heard of it? I have not seen it yet though."

"Well fuck Heathers, you need to see mean girls first. It's a classic." Will stated.


"Look Will, it's you." Piper chuckled.

"Damien is a king and an icon, I am honored to be compared to him. Plus, you're absolutely right." Will agreed.

"Too gay to function, huh? Sounds about right." Nico chuckled too, leaned against Will and nuzzled into his neck.

"Says the dude who froze when he saw me in a towel. I'm pretty sure you just broke right then." Will teased.

"That sounds amazing to witness." Percy commented.

"Nico! Luna is so much like you! I didn't even know shadows could be and feel so fluffy." Hazel giggled as Luna laid in her lap, purring happily.

"Right? And then Solare is less fluffy, but SO soft. And the size difference. It was really meant to be." Piper agreed, petting Solare, who was happily strutting about everyone.

"And then there's Frank." Jason added. Because Frank, too, was a cat, seeming to attempt to play with Solare. Solare, of course, gladly chased him around.

"We're becoming crazy cat people." Nico commented.

"Good." Will stated.

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