29: Touch

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Will suddenly held Nico's hand one day. They were sat on the couch, doing different things but still near each other.

He wishes he could say he wasn't really thinking when he did it, though, he absolutely was. It was a stupid thought, he knew that. They'd kissed plenty, there's no reason Nico would be against holding hands. He was still worried, though.

The moment Will grabbed Nico's hand, Nico got as close as he could to him. He had Will's hand in one, and was holding onto Will's arm with the other hand. Will looked fairly confused.

"You alright?" Will asked him softly.

"I am. Sorry, I just... I guess I might be a small bit touch starved." Nico replied.

"We cuddle all the time?"

"Still. I cuddle without realizing it or thinking. It's different. I know that might not make sense." Nico told him.

"So how can I help that? More hand holding, better cuddling, hugs? I've heard that touch starvation takes a toll." Will questioned.

"Oh. More hand holding, hugs? I don't know if cuddling could help, unless we were shirtless or something, but that's just... Weird." Nico shrugged.

"We could try that, if you want, love. Anything that you think would help and that you're okay with. I want you to be happy and comfortable, always." Will assured. He sounded so... Sincere. And he spoke about Nico's wellbeing like it was the most important thing in the world.

"You're very good to me, Will. I'd like to finish what I'm working on, maybe we could really cuddle and watch something?" Nico suggested.

"That sounds like a plan. And I try, to be good to you. You deserve the world, I'll give you as much of it as I can. I guess that's cheesy." Will blushed a small bit, embarrassed.

"It's very cheesy but it's very... Nice. I'm obviously not as good at words as you are." Nico chuckled.

"Meh. Just some random thing I've thought." Will shrugged.

"Your eyes really are like sapphires. I guess that's pretty cheesy." Nico told Will, looking into his eyes with this amazed look on his face.

"Oh no, any guy would like it. What's that a reference to?" Will questioned.

"What reference? I was just saying how amazing your eyes are." Nico replied. Will blushed and chuckled, breaking the eye contact.

"Gods, I love you." Will said, a bit quietly. And the two paused. Because that had been the first time either one of them had said it outright like that. Of course, they had joked about their friends knowing they were in love. But the main three words hadn't yet been said.

"I love you too." Nico said finally. Will smiled, relieved at the reciprocation. He gave Nico a peck before looking back at his computer.

"If you wanna get ya work done, go ahead and do it so we can cuddle faster." Will told him. Nico did get back to what he was doing, working still with his hand in Will's. That was fine, Nico was left handed and Will had his right. Will was typing, so it didn't matter much, but he was right handed with Nico holding his left. It had turned out quite perfectly.

"I'm finished with what I was doing." Nico told Will, placing his work on the table in front of him. "You?"

"Oh, I've been doing extra shit this entire time, so I've been done with everything important." Will told him. Without any words, Will opened up Netflix, starting to scroll and look for something to watch.

"I've heard that that ladybug show is good. The animation looked incredible, from the few clips and such I've seen." Nico commented, pointing out one of the shows. Will chose that one, opening the table and placing the laptop on it so it was at a good height to watch at.

"Did you want to try and go shirtless to cuddle, see if it'd help with the touch starvedness?" Will questioned. "I'm comfortable with it, obviously, if you are."

"I believe that'd be a good idea, yes." Nico told him. Though, he might've been slightly nervous about it.

"Got it." Will quickly took off his shirt, balling it up next to him. Nico followed suit.

And it was quiet, and awkward, for a hell of a long time. And Nico felt like he had made a mistake.

"Is it the scars? I know they're not super great looking, but I can't really help that." Nico mentioned.

"Oh, no, it absolutely is not. I mean, I have scars too, just smaller and more on my sides. I don't judge there. It's just... Fuck, I am so gay." Will said astoundedly. Nico chuckled.

"I told you you were too gay to function." Nico commented.

"Yeah, well, now we both got to see each other freeze because we saw the other's chest. What're the scars from? Battles?" Will questioned.

"They're all from battles or fights. I'm assuming it's the same for you?"

"Yeah, mostly. Battles, Natalie, bad times, idiocy. Probably mainly Natalie, honestly. Bitch hurt me a lot, I just didn't know how to mention it and I healed so quickly anyway, with supplies and my own genes." Will told him.

"She is the worst." Nico stated.

"Yeah. But now she's fucking off from my life, so it's all okay." Will cuddled up to Nico, a hand rubbing his back as they started watching the show.

"Is this nice? The contact?" Will asked Nico. Nico looked pretty damn relaxed.

"It's amazing. Thank you."

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