4: Harmonicas

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"I think it'll be alright. Especially for people that aren't kids of the big three, of course. If we suddenly get attacked a lot more, we throw the things away." Will reasoned. Nico paused, then nodded, picking up one random phone.

"I don't know anything about these. I'm not exactly from this time." Nico admitted. Will chuckled, picking up a different phone.

"Well, firstly, Apple is better than Android, in general. So there's that. I'm going with the gold, I suggest you get the same phone in the matte black." Will showed off what he was getting. Nico did as Will suggested, getting the same but in black. Will paid for them both and they left the store. Hazel was nearby, attempting to use her own phone while Frank attempted to explain it to her. Neither of them seemed the be having a terrific time.

"I think you're supposed to type something in? I don't know." Frank said. Will gently took the phone from Hazel, tired of watching the two suffer.

"It's an email address. I'll make it easy on you, just your name. What do you want your password to be? And don't say 123." Will entered it in for her, as well as set the password she told him.

"You seem to be an expert at this." Frank commented. He handed Will his own phone to set up.

"Yeah, I was a summer camper for a while, so I stayed up to date with the mortal world. Y'all are a bit useless at this, aren't you?" Will set Frank's phone up, then took Nico's phone and did the same there.

"Hazel and I aren't even from this time and Frank stays at camp, alright? Don't criticize us." Nico said defensively.

"I put my number into all of the phones under Will. Feel free to text me." Will put his own phone into his bag and handed Nico's phone back. "Tell me if you need any more help with that."

"Thank you!" Hazel said with a smile.

"Yep. Tomorrow is school, I'm going home and relaxin'." Will started walking off, but Nico grabbed onto his arm. Shadowy darkness enveloped the two and suddenly they were both back in the apartment. Nico was quick to let go of his arm.

"No shadow traveling unless it's an emergency, Di Angelo. We don't need you slipping into the darkness." Will scolded.

"I'm not going to slip into the darkness, Solace. Be thankful that I got us here quickly." Nico argued. Will sighed, putting all that he'd bought down and starting to microwave ramen as he started downloading and using apps on his phone.

"I thought you'd be a stickler for healthy foods." Nico commented. Will shrugged, looking up from his phone.

"I'm naturally healthier, bein' son of the medicine god. I can eat mostly whatever, so I do. Less healthy shit tastes better anyway." Will explained. Nico understood that.

"That makes sense. You're from Texas, aren't you?" Nico asked suddenly. Will nodded.

"Born and raised. Mom was this country singer, it wasn't super surprising that Apollo fell in love. Or whatever god's affairs are considered as. You're Italian and from the 1930s or something odd, yeah?"

"Yes. Stayed in the Lotus hotel for a month with my sister, and poof. Modern times. I'm 16 in all ways except that." Nico told him.

"Fair'nuff. This has been a fun chat. Suppose we should know each other a small bit, since we're living together and sharin' a schedule."

"I guess we should, yes. What, uh, is your favorite color?" Nico asked, a bit awkward, since he didn't know what else to ask. Will chuckled at the awkwardness.

"I feel, legally, that it should be yellow. So I'm going with that or gold. A darker gold." Will answered. "And you?"

"Black. That's probably obvious, considering that it's all I wear." Nico told him.

"Yeah, of course. Figured." It was silent for a moment. Nico walked off.

Will ate his ramen in peace, until a very confused Nico walked out into the living room with a box.

"Why in Hades's name do you have so many fucking harmonicas?" Nico asked, setting the box completely full of harmonicas in front of Will. Will burst out laughing, mainly at Nico's complete and utter confusion.

"Well, you see, it became a joke in the Apollo cabin to just fucking gift me harmonicas. I don't know why. But now I have a collection. You need a harmonica? I'm your man. I'm drowning in fucking harmonicas." Will kept laughing through the entire explanation, which made sense, because it's just about the stupidest thing in the world.

"Do you even play the harmonica?" Nico asked.

"I wish I could tell you I can't, it'd be even funnier. I do play the harmonica though. Did you know you can play Here Comes The Sun by the Beatles on the harmonica? Because I do." Will picked a particular one out, yellow with orange suns.

"That's kind of amazing. You seem to have a sun theme going." Nico observed.

"Son of Apollo, I gotta have a sun theme going. It's a nice aesthetic anyway."

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