21: Cats

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"How are you feeling? Have you healed yourself completely?" Nico asked Will. Will nodded.

"Yeah, I mean, almost. I've been trying not to completely out-do myself so you don't get upset again, so it's been a fairly slow process." Will replied with a small smile.

"And have you done any stupid light magics?" Nico questioned.

"Honestly, nah. I don't know if I might hurt myself if I did..." Will looked sad for a moment. Looked, at least, because he had made a tiny cat out of light in his palm a second later. "Just kidding, I've been fucking around with light magic plenty. Look at it!"

"I would be mad at you, but that's cool and the cat is adorable. Does it actually move or is it more like a ragdoll?" Nico asked, seeming fascinated by the tiny cat. Will grinned, happy to answer questions on it.

"I can make it move, yeah! I don't think it can really be at all alive, you know, but I can..." The tiny light cat ran around a bit, jumping onto Nico's shoulder. "I can do that."

"Huh. That's interesting. I can actually do something similar, I believe." Nico thought for a moment, and then there was an even smaller cat made of shadows next to the light cat.

"Oh! That's really cool, man!" Will exclaimed. He put his light cat on the coffee table, and Nico put the shadow cat down near it.

They admired the small creatures for a moment. And then they started moving on their own, and, a moment later, the two cats were adorably cuddles up to each other.

"Did you do that?" Nico asked Will. Will shook his head quickly.

"No, and I'm guessing you didn't either. I guess they can live, then." Will answered. Now neither of them knew what to do, as they had a shadow and a light cat cuddled up together on their table.

"They don't seem to be doing much other than staying together." Nico commented. Will was on his phone now, then there was a knock at the door. Will got it.

"I got your text. Where are the little kitties?" Annabeth asked. Will walked back and sat next to Nico.

"I texted her to see if she knew anything. Or wanted to study them." Will explained. Nico understood that.

"Oh, how interesting." Annabeth said, studying the small creatures amazedly.

"We both figured they couldn't move on their own, but they cuddled up together on their own." Nico told her. Annabeth smiled.

"So Will made the golden one, correct? Meaning that some small bit of Will's essence would be in it?" Annabeth questioned.

"Yeah, the light one. Nico's is the shadows." Will answered.

"So the shadowy one would have, in some ways, have Nico's essence?" Annabeth questioned.

"Yes?" Nico replied, a bit confusedly.

"So Will's essence's first instinct was to cuddle up to Nico's, and visa versa. I don't have to be Piper to know that that means something." Annabeth grinned. Nico and Will blushed.

"Or they're just both cats, and uh, maybe they're cold so they cuddled for warmth." Will excused.

"Mhm. Sure. Our group will definitely find this interesting." Annabeth snapped a photo of the two cats, sending it quickly to the group chat of demigods they had. She read a few replies and chuckled.

"What?" Will asked her.

"Jason noticed that the shadow cat is even smaller than the light one. You know, how Nico is smaller than Will, physically. And Piper notes that the shadow one is fluffier, almost more feisty looking. Like Nico." Annabeth reported.

"UH-Okay, suuure. As if you could even tell that from one photo. We're only similar to the cats because we made them." Will defended.

"You are right. You made the cats. They are strikingly similar to you. And what are the small creatures that are just like you doing right now? Cuddling." Annabeth shot back.

"This shipping shit is getting annoying, you know." Nico muttered.

"We're not trying to force you too together, you know. We're just pointing out that you both obviously want to be together, and to get you to notice that. Well, I must be going, Percy and I were watching a movie."

"Wait, what're we supposed to do with them?" Will asked her. Annabeth shrugged.

"Accept that you now own two tiny cats."

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