9: Surprise

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Nico didn't expect to walk in to find Will kissing a random male in their apartment.

Let's back up.

"William Thomas Solace, you idiot, get back here so I can fix your face!" Piper shouted.

"Oo, full name. Where'd you learn his middle name?" Percy asked.

"Coaxed it out of him, you know how I do. Will!" Piper shouted yet again, this time with just a bit of charmspeak. Will was back in the room in seconds.

"Wait, why am I- oh goddamnit, Piper." Will complained.

"Sit down, I didn't say you could go yet." Piper commanded. Will sighed, sitting back down in front of her.

"Will, how good are you with a bow?" Percy asked suddenly.

"Mediocre. I'm probably better than a lotta people, just not better than most of my cabin. It's the best weapon I have, anyway."

"Favorite band?" Nico asked.

"Probably twenty one pilots? Them or Panic at the disco. I'm lowkey emo." Will answered easily. There was a moment of stunned silence.

"You listen to twenty one pilots? So are you into my chemical romance?" Nico asked, a bit eagerly.

"Not really, honestly? Like I said, more lowkey emo stuff. Nothin' too much, you know? I'm assuming you listen to mcr, then?"

"I mean, yeah. Of course. Favorite twenty one pilots song?"

"Kitchen sink, without a doubt. I've cried to that song more than once."

"This is so emo, siri, play Welcome To The Black Parade." Piper joked. Both Will and Nico stared intensely at her phone, waiting to see if it would start playing. Sure enough, it did, and Nico grabbed at her phone with blinding speed, stopping the song.

"You have to own the song for siri to play it, did you seriously buy that?" Percy questioned.

"I've bought three whole songs on that phone. Welcome To The Black Parade, Allstar, and Despacito." Piper deadpanned.

"You're kidding me." Will stated.

"This is so shrek, Siri, play Allstar." Piper responded. Sure enough, it started.

"You're so obnoxiously extra." Will commented. Piper smirked.

"That's so sad, Siri, play Despacito."


Despite Will seeming tired of Piper and her memes, they all laughed. And then Will's phone made a noise. He quickly checked the notification, then stood up.

"I'm heading home, Nico, don't feel like you have to come back with me." Will stated. And with that, he was gone.

And back to the present.

Because Will is on their couch, but so is some random student Nico didn't know. Nico had to actually process this. A few things about this, really. One being that Will was apparently gay, another being who the fuck this dude is.

"Ah! Shit, sorry Nico." Will finally noticed him, blushing profusely and obviously embarrassed.

"Yeah, whatever, just be quiet if you end up fucking in the bedroom." Nico told them. There was an unexpected spitefulness there, though Will didn't completely get why.

"We're not going to fuck." Will stated, and it sounded a bit like he was telling that to the random guy rather than actually Nico.

"It's none of my business what you do, just be discreet. And get off of the couch, I want to watch tv." Nico spat. Will looked a bit concerned as to why Nico seemed so mad, but whoever he was with didn't seem to care, taking Will's hand and dragging him to the bedroom. And Nico got to watch his tv in peace.

"Hey, wait." Will said as the male was almost out the door, "I'll see you later?"

"I don't think so." The dude spat, and he was gone. Will sighed.

"Every fucking time." Will muttered, mostly to himself but loud enough that Nico did hear. Will sat down, on the other end of the couch from Nico, now scrolling through his phone.

"Who was that, if I may venture to ask the question?" Nico inquired finally.

"An asshole. I just want one good relationship, one to forget the last shitty ones, you know? I can't think of datin' at all without thinking of them, I'd like to think of someone else for once. But nope! Instead it's assholes that only want to fuck, even though we aren't even legal and I can't deal with that shit yet, and I know there's good people out there and I'll probably never find them, it's just-agh. I'm sorry, I'm ranting. I need to shut up." Nico was actually silent, not knowing exactly how he could respond to that.

"That... sucks." Nico commented eloquently.

"Yep. And that's how I come out to you as gay." Will added.

"I thought you've had girlfriends?"

"Sure did. Night." And Will put his headphones on, a signal to not talk to him.

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