8: Emotion

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"AH! Fuck you! You're the worst, Solace! How the fuck did you even do that!" Nico shouted. Will was rolling on the ground in laughter. Mainly because he'd just crawled out of his locker.

"Fuck you, Solace. Goddamnit." Nico was holding his heart like he'd just gotten shot, though he was merely scared by a blonde boy hiding in a locker.

"That was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." Leo stated, also laughing his ass off.

"Those lockers are surprisingly large when you're determined to scare the shit outta someone." Will explained, finally standing up and dusting himself off.

"You're going to be in trouble for missing second class, idiot. Hope it was worth it."Nico scolded. Will grinned at that.

"Nope! I told Knittel what I was doing and he found it funny as hell. I just have to get the shit I missed in by tomorrow. It was very much worth it." Will responded.

"I got the recording for Knittel, by the way." Leo added.

"You're both the worst. The absolute worst. Where are our textbooks?"

"In Leo's locker. We don't need any of them anyway." The bell for next period rang. "Shit."

"I don't think Mathany will care if we bribe him with the footage." Leo told him. Will agreed. Nico still seemed pissed.

"You two are both terrible." Nico stated. Will laughed, which was admittedly a pretty nice sound.

"Hell yeah we are. Okay we need to actually get to class." Will quickly jogged to his next class. Nico and Leo followed close behind.

"Does anyone have a question?" The teacher, Mr. Mathany, asked. Leo smiled and raised his hand. The teacher sighed.

"Yes, Valdez?"

"Do pigeons have feelings?"

The whole class laughed. Mathany did give a small chuckle, already used to Leo's bullshit.

"You have a computer directly in front of you, Valdez. You can ask Google if pigeons have feelings." Mathany pointed to the computer in front of Leo. Leo, being Leo, decided to run with it. He gasped loudly, waving his hand obnoxiously.

"Yes, Valdez?"

"Pigeons probably DO have feelings!" Leo exclaimed.

"...Good to know."

Lunch came around yet again, as per usual. It was filled with the same bullshit it always was.

"I'm going to kill myself with this bag." Will lamented.

"How?" Piper asked. Thank you for asking why, friend.

"Hell if I know. Suffocation? Do you think I could make a noose out of this?" Will ran with the joke.

"Anything can be a noose if you believe in yourself." Percy commented, very inspirationally.

"I feel like you already don't believe in yourself if you're making a noose." Leo added.

"He's right, though. I've made a noose out of a princess sash and a psychedelic tie. Both in the same night." He got a few odd looks. "It wasn't actually me hanging myself, guys, we were a bunch of theater kids fuckin' around backstage of a show."

"Why did you have a princess sash?" Piper asked.

"Because one of the actors showed up with a princess sash. I got to choke someone with it too."

"Will, what the fuck." Nico said simply.

"Backstage of Alice In Wonderland gets wild sometimes, man. A lot of stupid bullshit. And we were all depressed and gay, which always makes everything better." Will explained. The group seemed to understand.

And so the rest of lunch was primarily Will telling theater stories. It was nice for everyone involved, and Will got a bit more integrated into the group.

"Will, godsdamnit, is this another damn harmonica?" Nico asked incredulously. It was, in fact, another damn harmonica.

"Apollo probably left it."

"You could probably make a good bit of money, with the vast amount of harmonicas you have." Nico stated. Will gasped dramatically.

"I would never sell my precious, sentimental harmonicas! How dare you!" Will told him. Nico chuckled and smiled. Will stopped dead in his tracks, just now actually looking at Nico's smile. He seemed to be staring, and Nico stopped smiling.


"It's just, you were showing emotion and it surprised me." Will stated. And that was the truth. It totally wasn't because he found Nico's smile adorable. Not at all.

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