24: Gay

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"Nightmare?" Will asked. It was routine at this point; just about every other night, Nico awakes from a nightmare, finds that Will was already awake for the same reason, and the two talk out of a desire to not have another one.

"Yep. You too?" Nico questioned. Will nodded.

"As always. Wanna watch Netflix with me? I keep getting recommended this one show, it's animated and apparently gay." Will offered. Nico instantly sat next to Will, taking a part of the blanket he was under and shifting to see Will's laptop as well as possible.

"I'm always ready to watch Netflix with you, Will. Netflix is life." Nico stated obviously. Will chuckled and smiled, pulling the show up.

So, they watched that show. And Will didn't do anything as Nico started leaning against him, or when Nico was completely cuddled up to him, or when Nico had obviously fallen asleep on Will. Will just watched the show. Until he fell asleep too.

Nico woke up first, finding Will's laptop still open in front of him. He got off of Will and stood up cautiously, attempting not to wake Will up. It didn't work well.

"Hmm? Oh did we end up cuddling again?" Will asked him groggily.

"We did, yes. It seems that I don't have nightmares when we are cuddled up, though, that may just be by coincidence." Nico observed.

"I don't either, actually. We could test that, cuddle tomorrow night and see how it goes." Will proposed. "Just so we get sleep."

"That... would work, yes. I say we should try that. Purely for sleep." Nico agreed. Neither of the disaster gays were willing to admit that they also really, really liked cuddling.

"Glad that's settled. What time is it?"

"Thirty minutes to school's start. It takes around five minutes to walk, so we have a good twenty-five to have some sort of breakfast and cram the homework that didn't get done." Nico informed.

"Thank you for the details. Make me some ramen while I shower?" Will offered.

"I will do that, but if I have to leave and you still aren't out of the shower, I'm abandoning you and giving you no warning." Nico warned him. Will chuckled and walked off to shower.

"Hey, did ya see what the group named your cats?" Piper asked, just barging into the apartment.

"No, I haven't checked that. What did the vote come to?"

"Solare and Luna. According to google translate, it's sun, or like sunlight, close enough, and moon in Italian. I suggested Luna, someone else added Solare." Piper told him.

"Huh. I'm assuming that the Italian is because of me, and that the black one is Luna?" Nico questioned.

"Of course, of course. Where's your boyfriend?"

"Will's-he is NOT my boyfriend, fucker." He glared at her, but he knew she tricked him and he fell for it.

"I didn't say any name." Piper stated cheekily.

"I knew you were talking about him because you always imply that we're together, asshole. Will's showering." Nico answered. Piper just grinned.

"Hey Nico, I-oh shit hi Piper." Will walked out into the kitchen, in literally just a towel.

"Heya. I'm mainly here to see the cats and steal food." Piper greeted quickly.

"Your, uh, ramen. Its-here." Nico seemed to have short-circuited.

"Nico.exe has stopped working." Piper commented with a snicker. Will raised an eyebrow.

"You alright, Nico?"

"Go put on a shirt, you're breaking him." Piper told him finally.

"It is not because I don't have a shirt on, he's seen me shirtless." Will argued.

"It is absolutely because you don't have a shirt on, trust me. Put a shirt on." Piper ordered. She didn't have to charm speak for him to listen. The moment he was in another room, Piper burst out laughing.

"I am... so gay." Nico said quietly.

"That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Nico. That was so beautiful." Piper told him, still laughing.

"It wasn't only that he was shirtless, it was the fact he had nothing but a towel, oh Hades I am so gay." Nico lamented.

"I'm so glad I was here to see you freeze at the sight of a male chest."

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