44: Shipping

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"Hi brother!" Hazel smiled as she walked into the apartment. Nico gave her a warm smile back.

"The cats are in the bathtub again." Nico told her.

"Thank you!" And she disappeared to give the cats more treats. If anything about the creatures made sense, they would be very fat cats by now. Though, of course, nothing about the cats was right, so they were just very happy.

"What're we gonna do with them when we get back to camp?" Will questioned.

"We make it known that the son of Hades and Apollo counselor own them. So no one will bother them. Plus, I don't think anyone would hurt them anyway. They're harmless giant cats."

"Good point. They are very good kitties."

"The kitties have been properly pet! What are you two lovebirds up to?" Hazel sat

herself down next to the cuddling couple.

"Cuddles and small talk. We got done packing so we've just been chilling." Will answered.

"Packing?" Hazel questioned.

"Yeah? I thought you got told, we're heading back to camp." Will told her.

"I was not told! Why would you leave us? Normal life is great!" Hazel exclaimed. Will sighed, cuddling closer to Nico.

"We decided that it wasn't, at least not for Will. Life outside of camp is overly dangerous, especially for me. And Will isn't having a great time at school, which is why we've missed so much. Camp halfblood is just going to be better." Nico explained.

"Thalia and Reyna have mentioned wanting to do the same. I'm sorry that being out in the mortal world hasn't been nice to you!"

"Yeah, well. Plus, I miss working in the Infirmary. It was tiring sometimes but... it was safe. And nice to know that I was helping people." Will smiled, giving Nico a quick and random kiss on the cheek. Nico blushed.

"You're a dork." Nico muttered.

"Love you too." Will muttered back.

"I'm glad you make each other happy." Hazel told the two with a warm smiled. Will nuzzled himself into the crook of Nico's neck.

"He gets me out of bed the morning, so he's certainly helping. Usually, at least." Nico agreed.

"Yeah, unless I wanna cuddle more. And then you're trapped."

"That is so adorable! I... ship it? Is that the right term? Leo said something like it..." Hazel wondered.

"Yeah, that's right. Shipping. And the ship name is Willico. Or Solangelo." Will pondered for a moment about the ship name.

"What in Hades are you talking about?" Nico asked.

"Shipping, it's a new term. When you think two people should be in a relationship. Or you like that they are. It's a whole thing." Will explained.

"That's something that people talk about? And make names for?"

"Yeah. A lot, actually. Mainly teenage girls on tumblr or random writing websites. But, ya know, shipping's for everyone." Will shrugged.

"I ship you two so much! Solangelo for the win!" Hazel cheered and grinned. Will chuckled.

"Solangelo for the win. How's Frank doing?"

"He's great! We've been pranking people with his shape shifting recently, its really fun! And then we can just hang out and lay around while he gets his energy back."

"That sounds fun." Nico commented.

"Definitely! Super fun!"

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