16: Shrek

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"William Solace, never do that again." Nico scolded as he cleaned Will up a bit in the nurse's office.

"Never get my ass beat by homophobes? I try, trust me. Give me my bag, I have Ambrosia and shit in there." Will gestured vaguely at the backpack that was dropped at the door.

"What happened? Who did it?" Nico asked, handing Will the bag. Will dug through it for a moment before pulling out a sealed package of Ambrosia and small bottle of Nectar.

"Hell if I know who did it. I got stopped before walking into school, got called a good few slurs, one kid implied they were gonna do somethin' shitty, I ran. I'm not super not used to it." Will took a small bite of the Ambrosia, smiling at the warmness of it.

"WHO HURT MY SUNCHILD?" Someone shouted as they burst through the door. Piper McLean, you loud, loud woman.

"We don't know who hurt him. How did you hear her was hurt? And since when was he your sunchild?" Nico questioned.

"Percy saw you walk in here, and he's always been my sunchild."

"Apollo might be a bit mad that you stole me." Will commented.

"Apollo is an idiot, and can fight me. Will, are you alright, what happened? I have to report back to the demigod squad." Piper retorted.

"I'm fine. The nurse is out for the day so I'm free to do demigod shit in here to heal. The short way to say it is that I got my ass beat and called homophobic slurs." Will explained.

"Pipes. Go to class." Nico ordered.

"What, you don't have to?" Piper asked.

"I have to stay with him while he heals so he doesn't get his ass beat, again." Nico reasoned. Piper sighed before walking off to class, like she should.

"Thanks for hangin with me as I slowly heal." Will smiled faintly, drinking a bit of the Nectar. He looked a lot better already.

"It's a lot better than sitting in class. We could just head home, act like you're too hurt to be here and sign out." Nico offered with a smile back.

"That actually seems pretty nice. I mean we have the weekend but I could always use more days off from school." Will chuckled.

"See? Exactly. Make sure you look a little bit fucked up so we have a proper excuse to go home, you can do the rest of your healing there." Nico told him. Will nodded, following him out the door. With a small bit of arguing and convincing in the office, the two were free to go back to their apartment for the rest of the day.

"Tell the groupchat why we disappeared. And that we're not fuckin'." Will told Nico, getting to healing himself more.

"Why in Hades would they think we were fucking?"

"Because we're alone? In an apartment? They've thought we were fucking before, so I wouldn't be surprised."

"How do you know that? And still, why would they think that? We obviously aren't attracted to each other." Nico stated. That might've hurt Will, just a small bit.

"Because they share these looks, a whole lot. It doesn't matter." Will started muttering the hymn to Apollo, and soon enough, looked just about fine. He checked his phone, making sure that Nico had told the group chat where they were. He had in fact.

"Do you want to do anything?" Nico asked.

"Are you implying something?" Will asked cheekily.

"I hate you."

"Love you too, bud. I was planning on just watching youtube and napping, since I still can't actually sleep at normal times. Did you have any ideas?"

"We could watch a movie. I don't know." Nico shrugged.

"Very helpful, deathboy. I have Netflix, we could watch shrek." Will offered with a grin.

"Shrek?" Nico questioned.

"You know what shrek is, right?" Will asked, honestly afraid of the answer.


"Well then you have no choice. We're watching shrek. I cannot believe you. This is insane. I'm surprised Leo didn't show it to you, he's a memelord." Will, almost angrily, pulled his laptop out to find shrek on Netflix.

"I'm sorry? I'm not really from this era, I haven't gotten to learn about stuff like that much. Moving around too much, and no devices at camp."

"It's fine, because now we're watching Shrek and all will be okay."

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