19: Snapped

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That snapped something within Will. Seeing his friend, hell, someone that he'd wanted to be more than a friend to, curled up in pain on the ground, that pissed Will off a bit.

So Will went from tired to energized within seconds, with a heightened sense of protection. So he aimed his bow and shot, with more speed and force than he had before.

And, if Will'd turned around, he'd see that something had gone up in-between him and Nico. He didn't turn around, though. He had to get the stupid monsters that'd hurt Nico dead.

And, if Will'd paid extra attention, he'd notice that arrows were appearing out of thin air and shooting themselves at the enemy, without Will even thinking.

And, if Will'd faced Nico, Nico could tell him how wild he looked. Madder than most people had ever seen him, really. Widened but focused, his eyes even looked wildly different than they normally did. That might've been thanks to the flecks of gold that had recently appeared.

Will didn't know any of this, though. Because right now, all that mattered was killing off these two monsters and keeping Nico safe.

Down went one cyclops. Good. The other one seemed a bit weakened, but like he still had a lot of fight in him. Will, for once, was more than okay with that. He was in a fighting mood, after all.

Behind him, Nico was getting slowly healed. He still couldn't stand up, not at all, or move much. But there was a comforting warmness, and it was definitely doing something. Will didn't notice that either, that Nico was healing. Which was odd, considering that he was the one doing it.

"Will?" Nico asked weakly, finally. Will didn't respond. He was far too focused on the task at hand. Nico wasn't too concerned, just a bit confused.

Because Nico was in a bubble. More of a dome, really.

This bubble-dome was protecting Nico. It was sort of golden, and pretty transparent. Within the bubble it was just a bit brighter than out of it. Of course it was. Because the bubble was made of light.

Semi-solid light. Odd, huh? It's not an easy thing to explain. It was light golden, primarily, though there were darker parts. It seemed to be flowing a bit, constantly slowly moving, but keeping shape as a protective bubble shield around Nico.

Will wasn't getting tired. At all. He was likely running on pure adrenaline and rage as he continued the attack on the stubborn cyclops. He was getting hurt, very much so in fact, but he didn't really feel any of it. He didn't feel much of anything, actually. Except rage at the cyclops for hurting Nico.

And then the cyclops went down, in a shower of monster dust. And, with no more threats, Will turned around and sprinted to Nico. He passed easily through the bubble, not even noticing it was there. He kneeled next to Nico, already getting on healing him.

"Will, look around you." Nico told him, attempting to get Will to notice the magic light bubble around them. Will didn't.

"Unless it's another monster, healing you is far more important. Is it a monster?" Will asked. Nico shook his head.

"No but it's weird as hell. Look behind you for just one second, trust me it's cool." Nico attempted to convince. Will was too busy rummaging in his bag.

"Eat." Will instructed simply. Nico pouted for a moment because Will simply wasn't listening, but he ate the Ambrosia anyway.

The Ambrosia helped Nico. A lot. He was pretty damn healed. Will was not murmuring the healing hymn for his father, which typically wasn't too draining. But now he seemed to be getting visibly weaker by the moment.

"Can you stand?" Will asked Nico. Nico stood up easily, and Will stood up with him. It was just then that Will saw the light. "Whoa."

"I'm pretty sure that's your doing, Will. Are you okay? You look a bit tired. Will? Will!" Will was unresponsive.

And then Will collapsed.

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