43: Cuddle Time

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"Will?" Nico asked.


"You're absolutely sure that you want to go back to camp, yes?"

"Of course. Only if you want to, obviously. I'd rather stay with you, and I don't want to make you come with me or whatever." Will responded.

"Then let's get going. Pack your stuff, let's skip town. Argus comes by with the bus in a week." Nico told him. Will smiled.

"On it. I might miss having so much space." Will chuckled, already getting on gathering his stuff.

"Just imagine the amazing, warm welcome you'll get when we get back to camp. I'm sure your cabin missed you." Nico mentioned.


"Do you no longer have a ukulele?" Nico asked suddenly.

"Nah, I fucked it up a while ago and haven't found one pretty enough to get. The last one had this special design by apollo, so it was extra cool. Haven't seen anything like it since. Why?"

"I was just curious. Hearing you practice on it was nice." Nico shrugged. He wasn't actually just curious, though.

"Meh, I've always been more healing inclined than anything else. Some of my siblings have the voices of angels-I'm sure you've heard them. They're really good."

"What are you doing?" Nico chuckled as Will pulled him close, nuzzling himself into Nico's shoulder.

"You smell nice." Will muttered.

"Dork. Are you gonna detach yourself or am I going to keep doing this with you hanging onto me?" Will didn't respond, "Fine then."

"We do have a week before we go..."

"That was a quick flip in what you wanted to do. If we pack up now, we can cuddle for the next week without feeling bad about not being packed." Nico bargained.

"Or we just cuddle now and suffer."

"No, no suffering. I'm packing whether I have to do it around you or normally, babe."

"Babe, huh? I think that's the first time you've called me that." Will mentioned.

"Is it? Oh, I'm sorry, should I not? Do you not like the nickname?"

"I love it. It's just new." Will still hadn't let go of Nico, still hugging him tightly.

"You're very distracting, you know that? You're very pretty and very distracting." Nico teased. "Why are you so attached so suddenly?"

"I have no idea. I just want to cuddle. Immediately."

"Super nerd. Let goooo of me. Will you spend an hour packing with me if I promise we'll cuddle for the rest of the day?"

"...Fine. One hour of packing, cuddles for the rest of the day."

They got almost the entire apartment packed in that short time-both of them far overestimated how much stuff they had. Will, clearly, had set a timer.

"It's cuddle time." Will announced, already holding onto Nico's hand again.

"Yes it is, sunshine boy. Have you figured out why you're so cuddly now?"

"Nah. Aphrodite gave me a sudden curse of really wanting to cuddle and hold you? No idea."

"To be fair, that is something she would do. Just suddenly make someone cuddly for no reason? Sounds about right."

"Mhm. Cuddle cuddle me, cutie."

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