Chapter 19

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A/N: I know some lines seem cliché but it's not my fault great minds think alike. 

Continuation of Flashback (4 years ago):

Ahmed's POV:

Well shoot. It's like every single time I try to talk to her someone interrupts us. Maybe this means I shouldn't tell her. It's probably a sign.

"What! Marriage already?!" I look up and hear Sairah yell.

Marriage? What the hell! Is she getting married? Did someone-- propose to her? I could barely bring myself to think of it. I felt something in my heart snap. Why did I feel like this? I felt like swearing but I made a promise to Sairah I'd dial it down.

Ya Allah please help me. 

I look back at Sairah who looks pissed off. "Guys I have to go right now, but I'll call you guys later." She waves us all goodbye and starts to walk away. "Oh and Ahmed I'm sorry I keep cutting you off, this is just really important." She says as guilt fills her amber eyes.

I nod at her. "It's ok you uh- you handle whatever you need to." I try to give her a genuine smile.

She nods then leaves. 

"Yo what's that all about?" Yusuf asks what we were all wondering. 

"I- I wouldn't know." I shrug. To be honest I didn't know what happened nor was it my business.  

All I knew was that I felt confused, hurt and.... broken.


Sairah's POV:

I came home immediately after the phone call. 

"Uthman what the heck?" I say feeling betrayed. "Were you just going to never tell me?"

Uthman gets up from the sofa and talks to me in my room. "Sairah-"

"No! How could you not tell me?" I take off my hijab and throw it on my chair annoyed. "And let me guess, everyone else already knew right?" I shook my head. I never felt so betrayed. Siblings didn't hide things from each other. Especially not something as big as marriage.

Uthman starts to laugh shaking his head as he sat on my bed. "Sairu you do realize I'm the one who's getting married and not you." His voice was gentle as if he didn't want to anger me more. "Trust me I wanted to tell you but I wanted it to be a surprise." 

"So you decided to wait to tell me until your marriage!" My voice was rising again. 

Uthman chucked a pillow at me. "Yes because I didn't want to make you feel too sad." His eyes were watery now. "I- I didn't want you to cry and feel like you have no brother like you did when Sameer got married." Uthman reaches out his hand and helps me up on the bed. 

I sigh. "True I was a mess, but don't think so highly of yourself." I joked trying to fight away the urge to cry. Uthman would be leaving me again. Sure I had Zara, but I'll always miss my brothers. Even if they were complete morons. 

Uthman rolled his eyes at my remark. "Sairah you know I'll always love you okay. And I'll be able to visit you even more now since I'm moving back to California." 

"Really!" I felt excited again. Finally we'd all be in the same state. "Uthman that's amazing!" I hug him but I pull away. "I still think it was messed up of you to tell everyone else but not me that you're getting married."

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