Chapter 20

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Continuation of Flashback (4 years ago):

Sairah's POV:

It's been one month since Uthman told me he was getting married to Noor. And today is the lucky day. 

I sigh as I pull on my lehenga (desi cultured dress). It's heavy but I wouldn't wear anything less. After all it's my brother's wedding which means I get the 'over the top' dressing privileges. 

"Sairu!" I hear my mom yell. "Hurry up! You're not the bride!" 

I laugh at my mom's remark. "No! But I will be one day!" I laugh at my risky comment. It's not wise to bring up marriage and me to my parents. They still think I'm twelve.

"Sairu! Enough with your jokes!" 

I smile to myself as I apply my red lip gloss. 

"Wow!" I see Uthman through my mirror. "You look- like a freaking aunty!"

"Uh excuse you!" I hold a hand to my heart offended. "I do not look like an aunty!" 

Uthman shakes his head laughing. "I'm kidding! It's funny seeing you get riled up though. But really Sairah," his voice softens, "you look beautiful."

I smile, "stop I see you tearing up!" I whine. "Now I'm gonna cry, and I really don't want to mess up my makeup."

"You mean my makeup." Zara says rushing into the room.

I shake my head, "yes your makeup. God knows I can't put it on."

Zara and I both laugh.

"Mashallah both of my sisters are so beautiful." Uthman's voice becomes shaky and heavy. He hugs both of us. "I'll miss you both. Just know I'll always love you guys."

"Are you getting married or getting sentenced to exile?" I say amused by his wording. "Relax, inshallah we'll see each other frequently."

"Hopefully more than I could have." Sameer enters my room.

"Sameer!" We all yell. I give him a bear hug. "Sairu you need to chill on the biryani because you're getting heavier." He smirks.

I hit him on his arm. "HEY! I'm still able to fit into petite clothes so don't even!"

He laughs and we all hug each other once more.

"Oh perfect you guys are all together,"my dad holds up his camera. "I'll take your photos."

After taking a million photos Zara and I take selfies and post them. Cause why not?

When we get down the hired photographer is already waiting clearly annoyed but takes our pictures. God they can be so moody!


I look at the hall amazed by how well we put it together. I nudge Uthman, "Noor is lucky to have sister in laws like Zara and I, otherwise you were so doomed."

Uthman just shakes his head at my remark and takes a seat on the stage getting congratulated by my other cousins.

I say salaam (greetings) to everyone when I see Yusuf. "Yu-seless!" I yell embarrassing him.

"Allah give me sabr (patience)," He puts his head in his hands before screaming in a girly voice, "stupid!"

I laugh at his remark and I hug my aunt and uncle. I pick up Zayna, "how is my favorite little baby?" 

Zayna giggles in her childish laugh, "I'm already four, Sairah api (older sister/cousin)." Zayna had blue eyes and light brown hair like Yusuf. 

"Oh Sairah, by the way, Ahmed's coming in a few minutes."

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