Chapter 44

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Continuation of Flashback(2 years ago):

Sairah's POV:

"So I told him that he's going to have to try a heck of a lot more to get me to even tolerate his presence." I plop on my bed while venting to Nina and Amina.

"Damn girl!" Amina laughs clapping. "You showed him!"

"Yea but now she can't show anything else cause he's probably salty right now." Nina says smirking.

"NINA!" Amina and I yell at her in unison. We all burst into laughter but I hit Nina with my pillow.

"Stop being so-"

"So what? Truthful?" She teases sitting on the bed next to Amina and I.

"No." I reply rolling my eyes. "So wishful."

"Well sweetie she's not the one who will be wishing." Amina nudges my shoulder. 

"Ahmed?" I say confused.

"Yea how'd you- OOH! Are you thinking about him, too!" Amina squeals as she and Nina share ecstatic glance.

I scoff, "in his dreams." I get up straightening my hoodie, "I meant Ahmed is outside our apartment!"

"Wha-" Nina is interrupted by a knock on our door.

Amina sighs and moves to get it when I grab her hand. "No don't open it!" 

"Why not?" Amina asks sighing. "Are you nerv- Oh my god! Nina! Our girl is nervous!" Amina says gaping at me in amazement.

"I am not!" I pout annoyed. "I just-- Look at me!" I exclaim pointing to my baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants. "I look so la-"

"Sweetie," Nina puts a hand on my shoulder in comfort, "he's seen you cry on your period. You'll be fine."

I scoff at her laughing, "that is beside the point!" 

"Girl. He loves you. It means at your best and at your worst." Amina adds, "and frankly you look hot in sweats so it's not like he's missing anything."

"You think so?" I ask nervously.

"Yes beyatch! Now let her man in!" Nina shoos Amina to get the door.

I hear Ahmed's deep voice when Amina opens the door. 

"You know what," I whisper to Nina, "screw this. I'm out. Later loser." I run out the room into the bathroom before Nina can make a move to grab my arm.

"Sairah! Come back here!" Nina shouts while attempting to whisper. "I swear to God if you don't-- wait if I'm an atheist can I use that phrase?" 

I respond from the bathroom laughing, "how the heck would I know?"

"Ok, you know what forget that. That's not the point. The point is you need to come outside now!" Her pleas are laced with annoyance.

"Make me!" I laugh maniacally in the bathroom knowing I've locked the door. I smile smugly to myself.

"Okay." I hear Ahmed's husky voice. 

Oh no! Oh, shitake mushrooms! He wouldn't try to pick the lock... would he? 

I hear Ahmed mutter a curse under his breath, and then I hear the door shut. Did he leave?

I open the door slowly and see Amina and Nina looking at me with their hands on their hips.

"Is he-"

"Yes Ms. Scaredy-cat, he's gone." Nina rolls her eyes.

Amina pushes her hair behind her shoulders, "I don't understand why you're so nervous to see Ahmed."

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