Part 5:Learning to adjust

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Asher woke up in a dark room, sitting in a chair, his hands and legs strongly tied and without knowing where he was. He desperately wanted something. No. He needed something. His whole existence craved for it, but he couldn't name it.

Suddenly the door opened, and some light got inside, making him wince. A figure was standing there.

"I heard you wake up," said a familiar voice.

She closed the door and he felt better. His eyes could see her, but he didn't know-how. It was Laurel.

"Why am I tied up?" he demanded to know.

"It's for your protection. I promise I'll set you free, but first, we need to talk, and this is the only way."

"Why am I tied up?" he repeated as if he hadn't heard her words.

"I know you might feel queer, and confused, but I am here to help you and explain everything."

"What happened to me? Did you kill me?"

"No, technically, you were already dead. Most people are unaware that many creatures walk on this planet. Sometimes people find out about them and get mad, or they write about them, and they become millionaires. Humans like to think about the supernatural and existences far stronger than them. Most of the time, they fear them, and they create legends and stories they like to repeat as if it was a fairytale. I'm here to tell you that the truth is somewhere between these stories. Werewolves, vampires, witches, and so many more are all real. Different than what they are depicted by the humans, but real nevertheless."

She knew she had his attention and that he believed her. She saw it in his eyes and continued.

"All these creatures have weaknesses and abilities, just like humans. Some of them are good and live peacefully with each other. Some of them are following another way, a darker one, and people like me are here to stop them. You can trust me. All I want is to help you understand what you are now, for you, the real you, your heart, and your consciousness are still there, intact and, that is something you mustn't forget."

"I feel different."

"You are different, but this isn't a reason for you to get scared. Together we can get through it."

"What am I?"

"You are a vampire, and luckily for you, I know everything there is about them."

"Vampire?" he said with doubt.

"Yes. I know it sounds surreal, strange, terrifying, but you only need to adjust to this change. Think of yourself as an improved version of yourself: a stronger, faster, and more attractive one. The man that caught you was a vampire. He gave you his blood and made you drink it. Then he killed you, and after 24 hours, you were born as a vampire. I snapped your neck because it was the only way to take you down without actually hurting you."

"What is this feeling? I want something, but I don't know what."

"Vampires need only one thing to survive: blood."

His eyes immediately turned red, and his veins around his neck popped out more than usual.

"I'll bring you some."

She got up and opened a drawer that Asher hadn't noticed before. She took something and brought it in front of him. It was only a small plastic bag with a straw. Laurel put it in front of him and adjusted the straw in his mouth. He drank it all in seconds.

"More," he said, feeling better but still hungry.

"One more," she agreed and gave him another. "Do you feel better?"

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