Part 20:The cave (1)

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''Finally!'' Sara said the minute Laurel got into their room.

''Sara, we need to talk,'' she said and made her friend sit next to her on her bed.

''Tell me.''

''Look, I know that I have been making you worry lately, but some things are going on related to my family.''

''But you said your parents are dead,'' she said, confused.

''It's complicated. The thing is that I have to go somewhere. I might find proof about something important about my family, and I don't know how long I'll be gone. So, I wanted to tell you not to worry about me. I can protect myself. I promise I will explain everything as soon as I get back, hopefully with more answers than questions. If you need help or something happens, call Asher.''

''I know you two are very close now,'' she said with a tone half-stating, half-complaining.

''He had some problems, and I was there for him. You can trust him He's one of the good guys. I know you don't like him very much but trust me.''

''Laurel, you are scaring me with this speech.''

''No need. Everything will be fine. All I ask is for some patience.''

''I love you, Laurel. I never had a friend like you, well, I never had many friends at all, but you know what I mean.''

''I do,'' she nodded reassuringly.

''After my sister's accident, I felt lonely. I crossed the entire country to get away from the fights of my parents. I was never the first one to speak, but when you entered this room for the first time something changed. To everyone else, I might look cheerful and maybe naive sometimes, but only my heart knows how difficult it is to wake up every morning. You became my sister, Laurel, and I can't lose you,'' she said, hugged Laurel strongly, and buried her red and teary eyes in her friend's shoulder.

''I'll do my best to return safely. I'll be fine, Sara,'' she whispered and soothed her, but deep inside her heart, she knew that she would never be completely fine again.

''Now turn left at the crossroad and then straight ahead. The road must stop after one kilometer,'' Lena informed them, who was using the GPS.

After two hours of driving, the three friends arrived at the starting point. From there, they needed to walk and climb to get to the cave. It was an hour before sunrise. They got off the car and started taking out their equipment. Thomas seemed very calm, almost slow with his moves.

''Come on, Thomas! You know I want us climbing not long after the sunrise. We can't lose time,'' Laurel said impatiently.

''I'm just checking the equipment,'' he answered while counting the knives and the ropes.

''Zach did, multiple times,'' Lena said and let her rucksack fall to the ground.

''I want to be sure, okay?'' he said and stopped only for a few seconds before going back to his task.

Laurel turned her head towards the direction they came from. A repeated noise was heard, and it was getting louder by each second. It was far for her to understand at the first hearing what it was.

''Do you hear that?''

''No, I don't hear anything,'' Thomas said immediately.

''I do. I think it's a car,'' Lena said listening carefully.

Indeed, a car was coming with four people in it. They could hear their heartbeats. Laurel started feeling differently. She sniffed and checked the sky. She could smell the rain, but the cloudless sky made her realize the first occupant of the car.

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