Part 23:Her hell

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She woke up early in the morning and went to open the window. Fresh air and sunlight got inside and filled the room. A scent of roses hit her nostrils, and fresh-baked cookies made her room smell like a bakery. She dressed up and got to the first floor where the kitchen was. Her mother was there, cooking and listening to music. She kissed her cheek and sat at the table to have breakfast. Soon her father and sister walked into the room with freshly cut roses in their hands. They were together, happy, laughing, and sharing stories.

''Will we train today, daddy?'' Laurel asked.

''You mean about the guitar contest? We said no more training.''

''I mean training with my sword and the knives. We train every day, dad,'' Laurel answered and thought whether her family was joking. She didn't remember herself ever playing the guitar.

Her family looked at her confusingly as if she was an alien.

''Laurel, you saw another movie last night, didn't you?'' her mother said laughing and handed some more cookies to her sister.

Laurel's mind was confused. What was happening? Memories of her holding a sword and fighting came to her mind. She remembered throwing knives and climbing mountains with her father. Then another memory came to her. Burned children screaming and werewolves with torn skin begging for mercy. She looked around. That wasn't her house. She had never lived here.

''Where am I?'' she asked in terror and stood up.

She saw Lucy locking the door of the room and her father standing up and nearing her.

''Oh, Laurel, you shouldn't have remembered. Last time, we could play a board game before you remembered.''

''Where am I?'' she asked again after she remembered killing her mother.

The creature that had taken her mother's shape came behind her and stabbed her with a knife.

''You are in Irkalla, your own personal hell,'' the monster said, and everything blacked out.

Days and weeks passed, and every time Laurel woke up only to remember and realize she was dead. At some point, though, she woke up fully remembering. She instantly got to the kitchen running and grabbed a knife.

''Who are you? What do you want from me?'' she demanded.

The creature in front of her turned around, and she saw its face. It was monstrous, red, and bloody with evil black eyes.

''Such a shame, this game was so fun,'' the creature said with a childish voice and seemed to address someone Laurel couldn't see.

The scenery changed, and the knife dropped from her hand. The house disappeared, and the creature shifted entirely into his look.

''Mother, let's play again,'' the creature said, and a feminine figure came out of the shadows.

She looked human, almost normal. She had dark black eyes and black hair. She wore a long black dress, and a silver crown was on top of her head. She radiated evilness and darkness.

''Welcome to my kingdom. I am Ereshkigal,'' she said and sent her devilish children to torture someone else.

''Why am I here? Is this hell?''

''No, sweetheart, you aren't in hell. Hell is for those that might have a chance of redeeming themselves. Yes, there is torture involved, but here is where the truly wicked people end up. You wielded a power so sacred and so powerful that you committed hubris.''

''It was the only way to stop my mother. If you own a kingdom, then you must know who my mother is and what she has done!''

''I know everything about you, huntress, but that doesn't change the fact that your place is here now. Your punishment is endless torture, and my children will make sure of it. There is no escape, no redeeming, no salvation. Hell can be a temporary place for the dead, but Irkalla is the end of your journey. Relax, huntress. You are only going to spend an eternity of torture.''

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