Part 24: The finish line

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''So, now, you know that, too. I died, went to hell, and returned. But it was my choice. The elders gave me a solution, and I could have said no,'' said Laurel after Lena had told her story from her time in Irkalla. One more thing that James knew about her. One more memory to hold her awake at night.

''I still don't trust them. If you are so determined to go, I'll come with you,'' Lena said realizing that she couldn't convince Laurel.

''I am coming, too,'' James said and held her hand.

''Alright, then. We will go to the village and Chloe?'' she asked, turning to her friend who was sitting next to Tyler, "Can you contact Max? I don't want to go to Japan without making an effort first. Tell him who I am and explain the situation."

''I will. Don't worry,'' she reassured her, and everyone went to the kitchen to eat since they were all starved from the long discussion.

A few hours later, Lena, Laurel, and James were near the village of the witches. They had driven fast and steady, determined to get some answers to their problems. James was giving Laurel worrying looks during the entire travel, but she wasn't nervous. She didn't believe Lena's superstition. This time, she wasn't going to die. Now it was different because she had something very dear to her, which she didn't want to lose.

''Hello, I am here to speak with your leader,'' she said to a group of witches that appeared the moment they set their foot in the village.

''Who are you?'' one of the youngest girls asked her.

''I am the Huntress. Your leader knows me since my last visit.''

''Let her pass,'' a voice sounded inside their heads, but only Laurel could hear it, too, since she was a witch.

They led them to a small wooden house at the center of the village where the elder and her two assistants were seated. There were some chairs, but no one told them to sit. Laurel stood determined with James at her left and Lena at her right. They carried no weapons because they knew they wouldn't be allowed to enter with them.

''What do you want this time, Huntress? Or is it your friend that is going to beg for something?'' the leader asked, looking at Lena.

''My mother is alive. I never truly killed her, so your plan was meaningless,'' she said, not giving Lena the chance to answer back.

''You came with a problem, you left with a solution. Nothing else is of meaning to us.''

''Do you know what she is planning?''

''We know many things. For example, I know that you seek salvation. You are afraid of what your bond might cause,'' she said, pointing at Laurel and James. ''There is a way to end this. But it comes with a price.''

''Of course, it does!'' Lena said in irritation, her patience running out. She never liked them, and she hated they had to go to them, but it was Laurel's choice, and she had to make sure that she wouldn't be hurt again.

''My mate asked you something. Do you know what her mother is planning? The question is simple.''

The elder got up and walked slowly due to her age towards James.

''My people cursed her bloodline. She was cursed since her birth. You know that she only destroys and causes pain and death. Hunters are like that. They say they fight for a noble cause, to protect, preserve, and restore what's good and useful. But they forget to mention that by doing so, they destroy everything, and everyone might be an obstacle. Then, they ask forgiveness and beg so that others end their problems. Her great-grandfather came to me once. He wanted to end his bond with his mate. When I said that it was impossible, he left angry, hurting my people, and eventually killed his mate. She is worse than him, for she pretends first to save you all.''

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