Part 30: Home

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James and Thomas reacted when Laurel mentioned that she wanted to meet Charles.

Her mate's Alpha instincts kicked in. His protectiveness over his loved ones made him not think clearly. The couple raised their voices while talking, with James winning the confrontation. Laurel tried to explain her motives, but he didn't want her to go. He was afraid that Charles would do something to her. He trusted her completely and had faith in her powers, but at that particular moment, his heart proved stronger than logic.

Thomas stood there, watching them fight while he was exhaling noisily through his pursed lips. He couldn't understand why his best friend wanted to speak with that monster.

"Stop that, Thomas!" She stopped talking to James, never leaving his eyes. She had sensed Thomas's discomfort and disagreement but thought that he was overreacting.

"Oh, please! Don't tell me that I'm the absurd one here!" he fumed.

"Thomas is right. Zach is working on finding the location. You don't have to see him. Don't you understand that you only increase his megalomania?"

"Zach is working on many different projects. If I can find out the location, he'll have less caseload. Also, I can handle him," she said as a matter-of-fact and gave them a face-wide smile.

"No matter what I say, you will go, right?"

Laurel took a step closer to James and touched his cheek. With a half-smile and an adoring gaze, she verified him, "Exactly. See? You know me well enough to understand that if I want something, I take it. I'll be fine. And if I'm not, you will know it immediately."

Their bond grew stronger with each passing day. They were trying to hold themselves in training to avoid further hits and bruises on their bodies, but they had noticed that sometimes they could feel even the slightest touch. In some cases, it was useful. For example, when they were alone, enjoying their time together, their senses were exploding from pleasure and excitement. However, the constant growth of that part of their bond worried them.

They tried not to talk a lot about it, but they feared what might happen to the other if one of them was badly injured or worse.

Laurel knew that they were both thinking the same thing. She didn't need the bond or their mind link to understand it. She could see his tense body and listen to his raised heartbeat.

"Nothing is going to happen," she said and turned her head to Thomas.

He hadn't muttered a word.

"What? Do you want me to lock you inside or do you expect me to drag you to your room?" He put his hands in front of his chest. "If he tries anything," his tone changed to a worried one, "you will kick him and run. No fighting. Not today, at least." He smirked.

She cracked up. "Okay, big wolf. No fighting."

Laurel knew he wouldn't hurt her. He was obsessed with her. Somewhere deep in his crazy mind, he believed that he was in love with her and that he was the right one for her.

However, she knew that this wasn't true. Charles never had real feelings about anyone. She knew his story. His parents died in a questionable accident, and he was raised by his aunt, who died when he was too young to live on his own.

He had barely found out his abilities as a werewolf, and he thought he was capable enough to survive alone. Year after year, Charles got into more trouble and met many prominent people from the worst parts and small societies this world had to offer. Soon, he realized what a great influence he could create upon others and how easy it was to manipulate and deceive.

The HuntressOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora