Chapter 24

791 26 11

Check the notes at the end of the chapter for further information.

Cerulean blue eyes focused on the road ahead before briefly moving to the sides looking at the two other ninja there. The blonde boy  found himself doing that often when he had to travel long distances with his teammates like on the way back from Wave.

Apparently his speed and strength is naturally superior to his teamates and he had to make sure he doesn't leave them behind by mistake. His sensei made sure to drive that point him  and that made him wonder.

What if there is someone even faster then him, even if there isn't his teammates would still be too slow and he took Kakashi's words about teamwork very seriously.

A stronger team that could take them out and steal the scroll and probably hurt them at least. Just because he tries to stay positive at all times doesn't mean he is oblivious to how bloody the life of a shinobi can be.

Even if they hurry to the tower as soon as they get the scrool they need there is no guarantee that they wouldn't end up hunted down, his devious mind had an idea.

"Hey guys once we get both scrolls do you think we should make a few fake ones?" and when he said a few he really meant it, chances are they will meet more then one team.

"Fake scrolls? Why?" the female of the group looked on her side making eyes contact with the blonde, her brows scrunched together and asked.

"Well you know so in case we come across another team we could prank them." the blonde said with a grin on his face, that would be one hell of a prank. He might not have done as many as before once he had a lot of his time ocupied by his second person but he is still the number one prankster of Konoha, whole world even!

"For once you have a good idea dope but how could we fake the scrolls?" on the other side the Uchiha shook his head grinning having understood what the shorter male meant from the start.

"I have a few with me, I think I can make it convincing enough." Naruto would have had a few choice words with the dark haired pre-teen if he didn't have to quickly restore his balance due to a slippery leaf. Tactfully he decided to act like the grown up this time around.

"Allright Naruto if you think you can do it, once we take that other teams scrools we are gone find a safe base to rest and gather some suplies while Naruto is making the fake scrools. Can you find a way to hide the originals?" the pink haired kunoichi suplied her own idea having seen the effectiveness of blonde's idea. Of all members of the team she was the most eager to finish the whole exam without having to fight.

"Ha! Easy, I can seal them in one of my sealing scrools scrolls." the boy said looking straight ahead while his mind went trough all he would need. He didn't have scrolls that were that color but he did have paint. Hopefully it would fool other people.

"Wait Naruto why are you carrying so much random things with you? Sakura wondered remembering the time he 'tortured' that ninja and the man instances he took random things she wouldn't even think of carrying around from his scrools.

"Why not? If I can store anything I want in them why shouldn't I?" the Uzumaki shrugged and if she was not running Sakura would have hit her face of something. In times like this she can see the resemblance between her friend and the idiot, they were both way to easy going.

'Must be a blonde thing.' a voice that sounded just like hers only louder noted.

"So what are you also carrying in there?" The dark clothed make asked intrigued. From his kwnoladge most ninja only sealed the basic traveling supplies and some backup weapons in their scrools but he wouldn't be surprised  if Naruto had his entire house in one of them.

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