Chapter 12

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I don't own Naruto.


"This can't be true." said the pinkete with the most incredulous tone she used her whole life, this was crazy to say the least. When she brought the torture she didn't know how to calm the beating heart in her chest.

When Naruto of all people volunteered to do it her heart skipped a beat and in any other situation she would have gave him one good hit to rattle that brain of his and stop making such crude jokes in moments like this but she kept silent just watching him open one of those scrolls with practiced ease and before she knew it one of the two ninja ended up with chilly sauce in his nose.

She was still not certain if outright torture wouldn't have been less cruel taking in account the man's pained cries as he regained consciousness. What followed next she followed in daze only focusing on the essential information's.

"Oh, you know about Zabuza? I have to say it's surprising for a genin straight out of academy to know about missining-nin." apparently the jounin misunderstood her mutter, she looked at him and shook her head.

"No it's not that I don't know who he is, what I wanted to say is I can't believe his stupid plan worked!!" she screamed pointing at the blonde who took a step back under his glare "Beside who caries chilly sauce with them?!" she asked/demanded answers at which the blonde chuckled awkwardly.

"Sakura creativity is a big part of the life of a ninja. Making the best of what you have to complete a mission is very important even if the methods are a bit eccentric." he lectured to the fuming pinkete "Great job Naruto trough I am curious why do you carry chilly with you?" the man questioned suspicious of the true reason, he knows the boy has a thing for pranks but he wouldn't plan to play pranks during missions to right?

"Hahaha, thank you Sensei!!" said the boy bashfully rubbing the back of his head, it was not often he gets a compliment as Naruto that is, cutting that trough of thought before it would even start he looked at the chilly sauce in his hand. "I took some ingredients and spices with me in case I would have to cook something?" he said but it sounded more like a question and he looked away embarrassed at the amused look sent his way and at the sound surrounding suspiciously as a snort coming from a Uchiha.

"So I assume cooking is one of your hobbies beside pranks?" he asked knowing full well that neither of his parents made for a good cook and by that he means they couldn't cook anything beyond ramen and some simple things.

"Yeah." he responded simply choosing to look at the knocked out ninja's, the poor guy who was victim of his cruel and unusual punishment was sweating and mumbling even after he was knocked unconscious again by the jounin and yet Tazuna was still watching them from a free the ever present bottle of sake empty in his hand.

"Putting aside the dope's hobbies what is the plan Kakashi-sensei, is this Zabuza strong?" surprisingly the raven haired youth is the one to talk to the blonde's annoyance who didn't like to be called dope and delight of the pinkete who liked to see her crush take initiative.

"Yeah what teme said is the guy strong?" questioned the blonde putting emphasis on the age long insult, the silver haired teacher shook his head, kids would be kids and by the look of thing a little fight between the two with the fangirl supporting her crush would happen again.

He was sick of them after the first time let alone the fact they would have at least one every single day.

"He is." he cut trough the soon to be argument "Zabuza also know as the Demon of the mist is one of the strongest missining nin from Kiri and a member of the seven swordsmen a group of elite ninja, he is a A rank ninja not something anyone your level could stand a chance against. Do you still want to keep going with this mission?" he asked testing their resolve, by the look in their eyes only one of the three would have liked to retreat but not even the girl said anything.

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