Chapter 33

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Hi everyone! Sorry for the wait, honestly I was supposed to post this chapter like four days ago but between a birthday party I had to attend, agriculture and work things got delayed quite a bit.

I don't own Naruto.

 The three stood in the same room an awkward atmosphere making it hard to enjoy the food even for Narumi who but it couldn't be helped giving the circumstances. Sasuke wonders if it wouldn't have been better of if he didn't get out of bed in the morning.

He trained diligently for years without taking a break, a day wouldn't have made a difference right? How was he supposed to know he would find the one teammate is actually a gender-fluid multilayered character with a bunch of secrets behind his origins that not even he knows?

Should he refer to Naruto as he in the first place? He remember that moment after he woke up when He and Naruto had one of their usual arguments and his mother decided to pacify them. He dismissed the words at that time even trough something didn't sit well with him at that time but now it started to make sense.

Did his mother know all along? After all she come in blonde's rescue that time.

'She knows something, there is no guarantee after all Konoha is a big village but if one of Naruto's parents were ninja they would have to be around her generation.' yes there was still no guarantee she knew them but there was still a possibility.

'Thinking of what ifs will take me nowhere.' he looked between Naruto still in the shape of a girl eating silently while fidgeting from time to time then to his mother who seemed to be the same as ever unless you knew the signs.

Neither of them seemed to be willing to start the conversation, the walk back to the compound had also been silent which he usually prefers but the fugitive glances the blonde kept sending his mom and the woman's small ticks that let him know she was nervous put him on edge. Now he can't even enjoy his food in peace.

"Mother when did you find out about Naruto's ability?" he slumped his shoulder wondering when he ended up in the position of being the one starting the talking.

"Son?" at first surprised that her antisocial son was the first to talk the woman recovered quickly "Well it was the first day I worked as your substitute sensei, I decided to stop by the library to borrow some text that might be useful to teach you kids when I noticed Sakura with a blonde girl who seemed familiar." the woman spoke and watched amused how the blonde moved the dish aside and hit her head of the table softly.

"I eventually realized it's Naruto based on the chakra signature." she said skipping over some details she didn't see as important.

"The third time, what is with you doujtsu users and realizing who I am instantly?!" she screamed in exasperation pulling at her long hair, the male Uchiha grinned.

"Hn." taking pride of his Uchiha genes the male grinned freely knowing that even such a complex disguise if it can be called that can't fool the sharingan.

"What is that Sa-Su-ke?" the way she said her name made him shiver, there would be a prank with his name written all over it later. He knew that much but he might as well take avoiding it as training. He come to appreciate the blonde's creativity when it come to setting traps so whatever they decided to throw at him would be seen as nothing but training from when he has to deal with his genious of a brother.

"Who is the third person Naru-chan?" Mikoto quickly changed the subject not wanting to deal with the two arguing at the moment, she was aware it was more along their way of bonding then something done of genuine animosity now but it was too late to deal with that.

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