Chapter 11

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 I don't own Naruto.

'Why did I want want to be ninja again? Oh yeah I wanted to be as awesome like the Old man and make villagers love me by being awesome and completing cool missions like saving princess and stooping big shot bad guys!!' the boy thought glaring at at the newly painted fence.

"Stop glaring at the fence and work Naruto!!" 'whispered' his pink haired sort of friend trough calling that whisper was a stretch considering that even the woman watching them(or more like watching him to not do anything stupid) heard her. The only one who seemed oblivious to everything was their teacher.

Said 'teacher' was leaning on a tree giggling like the massive pervert he is every so often.

The blonde grit his teeth getting pass the powerful urge to do anything but this and got back to work feeling the brush's wooden handle creak under pressure.

'How is painting fences a ninja mission?!' now he was prepared for some menial task's, Hinata bless her kind heart hinted at it before but painting fences, walking dogs, catching a cat or other stuff like this were not ninja missions!!

What made it even worse is that he couldn't even do half of them without getting in trouble, dogs hate him with passion and would try to either bite him to death or run the other direction, cat's run when he is around which is why team seven has a record to how long it took to catch Tora in the first place.

Eight hours with the help of Kakashi and they caught it only after she got too tired to run and it still stared at him like he killed her whole family.

With that kind of track record he wasn't really surprised how irritated his two teammates were glaring at him ever so often for the troubles he unwillingly caused. The villagers didn't make it any easier for him.

He was barely holding himself up from rushing to the Hokage Tower and asking for a real mission again. He sighted something he was doing more and more lately and continued his work turning slightly and sticking his tongue at the woman to lazy to pain her own fence when she wasn't looking

'Keep glaring at me lady, you think I will pull a prank right now? Ha!! Waste your evening looking at me.' he quickly turned around when she turned her head to him and he grinned, sometimes the best pranks are ones you don't even work for.

He would still throw some pain bombs on her roof the next time he has free time, some polka dots here and there would at least make the house less boring at least.


"Yo, Jiji do you have a C-rank for me?!" in the defense of the people inside the room none of them did as much as flinch at the unexpected arrival of the small blonde boy.

'Thank kami Shodaime made those doors himself or they wouldn't have lasted people like Naruto. Well at least he still uses the door.' thought the Hokage taking a deep breath trough his pipe.

"Naruto!! Show some manners that is not the proper way to talk with Hokage-sama!" said the academy teacher positioned on Kage's side with a frown on his face and with a scolding at the tip of his tongue only stooped by the Kage waving his hand in air.

"It's no bother, it's just how Naruto is and as a matter of fact I do." said the man to the shock at everyone even the boy's teammates and sensei who were left behind by the boy.

"You have?!" said the boy a smile splinting his face as he pumped his hand in the air.

"Hokage-sama?" said the jounin sensei looking curiously at the man, while on the inside feeling relived at the chance to stretch after months, his student was not the only one at the end of his patience.

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