Chapter 34

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Sorry for the long wait guys, I've not been in the best mental state lately. Work among other things have made it hard to even think straight let along have the inspiration to write anything. 

Until next time I hope you enjoy this chapter and take good care of yourselves.

 "Did you stop for a second and wonder if he lied to you?" the raven haired boy asked looking close to caving someone's skull in after he was told everything that happened in that forest. The blonde gulped wishing for the cold bastard that didn't seem to care back.

He was much more manageable before they forged a friendship by plotting murder. As things stood she was forced to even describe the man's expression at every point in the conversation.

'Uchiha possessiveness at it's peak.' a little know fact about Uchiha's that even those who knew rarely believed is that they feel emotions more vividly then most people. Mikoto is well aware of that as a Uchiha herself but among them there are those who take it to an extreme even among the clan. Those whose emotions burn like a wild fire and might even burn them, her son is sadly among them and Naruto is fortunate enough to be considered one of his precious people.

"Do you think I didn't think of that?! I didn't believe him at first! I tried to forget everything he told me but what reason would be have to lie?!" a loud thud could be heard as the blonde hit the floor hard, blue eyes shined with frustration and a mix of many other negative emotions as she looked right in the boy's eyes.

'Wait blue?' the Uchiha matriarch will have to dig more information about Naruto's power because she could swear her eyes were the same shade of purple as Kushina's moments ago.

"He could try to make you join him like he tried to do with me!" Sasuke didn't even notice the change too caught up in her own feelings, now he didn't actually care that much about Naruto, yes he sees the other boy or whatever as a friend even if will never say it out-loud but he won't let him get manipulated by a man who clearly has no good intentions in mind.

"And if I figured out he lied to me? What then?!" Naruto screamed right back a soft growl emanating from her throat. She was not much of a fan of logic and rational thinking, she much rather let her heart and instincts do the talking but even those told her that the man didn't lie. Let stuff out sure but that was a given, she was not the same oblivious kid from the past.

"He would lose nothing, think about it Naruto. If he convinces you that you are a scapegoat and he made you paranoid to not talk to anyone about it you would walk right to him and he must have a way to keep you captive even if you find out. If it doesn't work he loses nothing." the raven haired male spoke but even to his own ears it sounded like too much of a stretch, still he wouldn't just admit that Naruto's logic was sound.

"Hey hey why are you assuming I would desert the village?! I am not dump, you know? I am not treated all that nice in here by the villagers but I have friends and no one treats me too badly. Why would I join a creepy guy like that?!" being ignored, having shops scam her for money, people throwing stuff at her from time to time, kids being harsh to her and much more but she is aware it could be much worse.

From stories and even on some rare occasions in real life where she saw parents slap their own children and treat them badly. She could do nothing to help them but it put things in perspective, her life is not all that nice but it could be worse.

'Yes it's not the best but it could be worse.' is what she told herself after what the snake sanin told her, people think she has a demon inside her so they would risk going too far right? Maybe it was not that bad, maybe people would have treated her worse without that hanging over their heads?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2022 ⏰

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