Chapter 26

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Don't mind any grammatical error that might be left, as I come to realize not even the best spell checker can solve that issue and I don't have the time to check it all on my own.

Sadly I might have to take a break from the story, there are some things that kept me busy for a long time now and it severally affected my update schedule. I might not be able to post for a while   but I am not drooping this story no matter what.

This chapter is kind of short and lacking in content but hey I didn't want to just leave a notice about this and nothing new to read after all.


"Oh look a white ceiling." sass is not something he finds himself using often or ever but considering the circumstances he is not really in a good mood, white ceiling and irritating light is what greets him when he finnaly wakes up from his slumber.

Even trough he didn't have any wound by the time he and his team alongside Karin were transported to hospital he was still forced to lay down and for once he complied without a single word even trough he hates hospitals. 

Sasuke is here and the Uchiha would no doubt not be too happy about them drooping out of the exam, he won't let Sakura-chan deal with it on her own so he decided to lay on the bed opposite to the Uchiha and wait. At some point he must have fallen asleap.

He stood up from the best looking inside the room, he had no clue if other hospitals were different but as far as the one in Konoha is concerned all rooms were the same. White walls and ceiling with light or dark wood floor and simplistic furniture, most of the rooms had a wide window and could fit at least four people at once but every other time he ended up hospitalized he never ended up sharing a room with somone else until now.

On the bed opposite to him he could clearly see the familiar dark hair framing a pale face, rest of his body being covered by the blanket. He looked at the sky seeing the sun just peaking out from horizon meaning he only just slept a few hours. It was getting dark when they decided to leave the forest and the sun couldn't be seen by the time they were transported to the hospital.

"We didn't even last the first day." the boy said groaning in shame, he could just see Kiba pick up on him for that.

"We were up against a S rank shinobi Naruto, be grateful we all escaped alive." a familiar voice could be heard from the entrance as the door cracked open. 

Sakura was no longer wearing her red qipao dress but a pair of black shorts and a white top he saw several times when they hung out in the past. Him on the other hand was still in his orange jumpsuit except the jacket that was droped on the only chair inside the room.

"Yeah I know but people are still gone make fun of me for failing like Kiba." at his response the girl's own face turned in a grimace no doubt realizing that she is in a similar situation.

"Ugh, don't remind me. Ino-pig will never let me hear the end of it but at least we are alive." the pink haired girl said and he meant it, coming out of that alive alongside her team is all she could ask for.

"Yeah, where is Karin?" the blonde looked around seeing a familiar headband belonging to their redhead new friend dropped on his bedside table and wondered how he didn't noticed it before.

"She is in cafeteria getting something to eat." her answer was straight to the point but on the inside she could hear her inner voice scold her for not thinking to do the same thing, after all of that she was hungry and no doubt Naruto would be to.

"grrrrr." just at the moment the blonde's stomach began to make a familiar sound. "Do you think they have ramen?" she rolled her eyes wondering again how the boy's mind worked.

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