Chapter 30

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First I need to apologize for the long wait, I am dealing with a writers block when it comes to this story. I know what I want to do but I can't quite write it the way I intended which is why it took so long to come up with what feels like half a chapter.

With that in mind I decided to try and see if I have a better luck if I try to post smaller chapters without worrying as much about respecting some initial plan on what I need to write about as before. 

There were times in Naruto's life when his gut feeling told him he would have a bad day before he even stood out of his bed, about half of the time it was right, the other half not so much so he didn't put too much focus on it when he woke up feeling as if it would be better if he got right back to sleep but sadly he didn't have that luxury.

From having to meet with his team to another arrangement he made with Sakura as Narumi just the day before he was left with no choice but to go to sleep as Narumi and wake up the same just so she could conserve chakra for later.

She got dressed making sure she had another set of clothes for when she would turn back in Naruto secure in one of her hidden scrolls and went to the meeting place where Sakura already waited for her.

'How did it come to this?!' Naruto knew that saying yes to Sakura's proposal was a bad idea. It was just before the time they are supposed to meet with Kakashi and Sasuke, yes the man would no doubt be late by at least an hour and Sasuke could care less if they were there on time or not but still.

A new clothing shop opened that morning so it come as no surprise that Sakura was very insistent on their last meeting that she will join her, Hinata had a proper sensei that was never late so she couldn't join but sadly Narumi had no excuse.

She rationalized the day before that it wouldn't be a big deal, the pink haired girl would have to return back to her home to carry her bags and it would give Naruto enough time to change and run to the training ground even before Sakura gets there.

It was simple but she forgot to factor one thing in her plan which was no other then Ino opening her mouth which brought her to the present.

"Oh Sakura and you are?" the Yamanaka stared at her and Narumi had to put effort in not shaking.

"H-Hello I am Na-Narumi." she stuttered and her heart all but stooped when the other blonde's eyes narrowed.

"Are you related with Naruto?" the girl asked rudely, normally Narumi would take offense at the tone but in current circumstances she had other things on her mind.

"No?" it comes more as a question then a straight answer but thankfully Sakura come in her defense, the pink haired girl walked in front of her shielding her while she glared at the other genin.

"No she doesn't even know Naruto, now leave us Ino we don't want to miss all pretty clothes!" the girl said quite loudly attracting the attention of the other people waiting for the same reasson.

"Oh yeah I am here for this as well but are you sure you should be worrying about clothes right now?" a teasing grin come on girl's face setting the two on edge.

"What is that supposed to mean Ino-pig?" Sakura all but growled knowing that whatever the girl said she wouldn't like it, she was proven right.

"OH I don't know maybe you should be out there training so you wouldn't drag Sasuke-kun down." it was like cold water was doused over Narumi's head when she heard that all the nervousness gone in favor of a new kind of fear.

"Drag Sasuke down?!" outrage dripped out of the girl's tone as her fists were shaking.

Narumi sighted looking behind, it seemed that the shop opened but that no longer seemed to register to the girls there. As things stood she was sure that instead of shopping she will spend rest of the time they had before having to go to the training ground making sure they won't start a fight.

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