Chapter 13

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Hello everyone to a new chapter of Chakra's Puppet...thinking about it maybe I should change the title to something better, same with the description. If you have something better in mind don't hesitate to tell me.

Now concerning this chapter you can consider it the first part of a bigger chapter, if I decided to write all of it I would have passed the 6000+ words and required a few more days so I decided to split it in half and post the other half when it's done. 

I don't own Naruto.


 If the three genins and bridge builder would be asked to chose a few words that would describe the elite ninja at the moment they would all share the word 'strong' as well as 'awsome' and lastly scary because there was no way to not feel at least a small bit of fear to the level of eficiency and ruthleness he showcased even if they put his strenght aside.

The bridge builder was just happy the man was on his side and the threats to his continued living were dealt with, the kids on the other hand....

"That was so cool, dattebayoo!!" shouted the blonde vibrating in his spot with stars in his eyes "The guy didn't even see it coming, how did know he was working for that guy didn't you say he was an ally or something?! Oh, can you make solid clones and that guy could do is to, can you teach me. What about – ow!" before the blonde could continue to voice their collective thoughts in a mess of excited blabbering the pink haired girl decided to hit his head lightly or at least what is light for her making him stop.

The Uchiha had to suppress a silent laugh and turned his head around so no one could see his smirk at the teammate predicament.

"You have super good lungs kid and loud voice to boot." the bridge builder muttered for the first time in quite a while finding the srenght to do more then just follow along, he was still scared that's a given but with the biggest threats taken down and with the knowledge the team sent to protect him was no pushover he allowed himself to relax "But you are not bad none of you are super thank you for protecting me." he said giving the kids and man a thumbs up and a crocked smile.

"No problem, old man just doing our job!! The best team of Konoha at your service." everyone but the adults rolled their eyes at the orange clad kid attempt of sounding 'cool'.

"Could you stop being a knuckled for a day Naruto?" the girl asked sending a glare with no heat at the blonde who simply grinned back and stuck his tongue. Honestly was he still trying to get on a date with her or simply trying to annoy her until she would try and chock him to death?

"Let him enjoy the moment Sakura, now I will carry Zabuza who wants to carry the other on to Tazuna's home?" the man asked with an eyesmile as everyone stared at him, even the boy clad in blue had the same incredulous expresion.

"WHAT?!" the man simply smiled under his mask.


"Kakashi-sensei I don't think this is a good idea? What if one of them wakes up and attacks us?" the girl voiced his fears to the man the bridge builder nodding emphatically.

"The girl is super right I won't put my daughter and grandson life in danger, they are not allowed in my house." the bridge builder put his feet down, he may be gratefull for everything they did for him but he was not about to put his family in danger.

"I understand your worries Tazuna-san but even when Zabuza wakes is brought back from death like state he will be in no condition to fight and I will make sure both him and the other ninja are properly restrained and unable to use their chakra. They will pose no threat anymore and we need them for information, I imagine that if Gato paid somone like Zabuza he might have other ninja on his payroll." the man said not willing to take any risks. He was truthfull some ninja wire and simple application of seals and two lethal ninja's wouldn't even be a threat for civilians.

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