Chapter 8

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I don't own Naruto.


"Are you sure of what you saw?" the man asked massaging his temple.

"I am certain sir, it was Uzumaki-san in he-his disguise alongside the Hyuuga heiress and the pink haired girl sh-he was spotted with before." said the woman her mask of impassiveness cracking at the slip about his charge gender, he would have laughed if it wasn't this serious.

"I see, there will be no need to follow Naruto from now on. Good job Yugao you are dimised." he said not bothering to hide the effect the news had on him.

"Sir." saluted the woman before leaving the room and letting the man with his thoughts.

'There isn't a quiet moment with you around Naruto. If I wasn't so worried I might have being impressed, you made one of my best Kunoichi have problems telling your gender apart, you could be an expert infiltrator with more training. Impressive but worrisome at the same time.' he thought sighting heavily.

His charge was good at hiding, there was absolutely nothing that would connect the girl named Narumi with Naruto beside the similar names. They might be both blondes but the shade was different and beside that there was nothing in common down to personalty.

One was a loudmouth prankster that couldn't stand still for a moment and the other an excitable but reserved girl who spends her days doing normal stuff for civilian girls her age. The only thing that they had in common was the chakra.

Those massive reserves couldn't be of a civilian and from what he heard they felt nearly identical with those of Naruto. When that was brought to his attention by one of the ninja paroling in the village a few weeks ago he asked one of his best at infiltration to tail the girl worried about a certain possibility and that is how he discovered his surrogate grandson alter ego.

He planed to talk with him about it for some time now, the last rapport was just the nail in the coffin, he feared that he was already too invested in this other him to even listen to his advice.

He hoped that was not the case.

He looked at the piles of paperwork he still had to complete and not for the first time he was thankful for their way of distracting him from things he would rather deal with even less.

He would send a ninja for Naruto later when he was done with Academy classes, it was still early morning after all or maybe a bit latter to at least give him a chance to fill his stomach. Preferably never but he knew that would not do, he had to talk with the blonde no matter how apprehensive he feels.


 Narumi didn't feel so good, her stomach hurt and her eyes were moist, she was tucked in her bed covered to her neck even trough it was far to warm for that but every extra heat would be welcomed at the moment.

She shifted in her covers every so often trying to sleep but a near constant feeling of dread didn't leave her in peace. Even the blond girl herself wasn't sure why she felt like this but she could take a guess.

She was a mere month away from graduation exam and stupid fear of failing hit her like an exploding tag in the face!!

'I told Hinata to not stress, look at me.' she thought remembering the conversation she had with the dark haired girl the same day.


The blonde stared, the black-haired girl blushed nothing new but what was new was the way the other girl was even more skittish then usual if that was possible. He might be dense as Sakura never forgets to mention in his disguise as Narumi but he can see when a friend is troubled by something.

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