Chapter 1

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Hey guys this is my first story and English is not my native language so take it easy one me with the complains but I accept constructive criticism and new ideas concerning this story or any I might write at some point. 

I am sure many of you will be surprised of the direction this story will take and I am sure it won't be on anyone liking but don't worry I will try to make most of the things make sense(we are talking about ninja magic some things will never make sense even in canon) so I hope you can enjoy it!!

I don't own Naruto.


Naruto was no stranger to bad days, some would argue that every day of his life could be classified as one but the blond would claim otherwise.

His boundless stubbornness of making the best of everything and optimism would make even the smallest good thing something to consider a day good or at least not bad yet even the blonde couldn't argue that are days that make his mood drop.

'Stupid Iruka and his stupid jutsu's, stupid old man too busy with work to come to ramen. Why do I need to learn some crappy jutsu when I could learn something cooler like spitting fire!!

The whiskered blond thought laying in his bed and trying to find something good about his day but he came of short beside the fact he got a good sleep.

Still that is exactly where things went wrong with his day, he over slept and got to academy late meaning a long scolding from the scared teacher in front of the class only for afterwards to have both a surprise quiz test and later have to show how far they come in mastering the jutsu's thought at the start of the year.

He didn't know what hurt the most, Iruka disappointed expression when he failed to do anything beside a sloppy replacement or his classmates laughter and insults.

Just after classes he went to Hokage building hoping the man has some time for him only to be shushed out by the woman at first desk telling him the old man was busy and had no time for him and here he is now stewing in his own frustration.

He couldn't even go out and blow some steam with a prank or two having run our of supplies with his latest prank and doesn't have enough money to buy some others.

He tried not to think about the day's events but it was hard when he didn't have anything to distract him from thinking about it.

'I could  train?' He thought, it didn't sound bad. There were plenty of places where he could practice throwing kunai or something like taking his frustration on a tree but then another way of training that didn't take physical effort come to mind.

He would have scraped the thought almost immediately if not for the memory of Iruka's scrunched brows and downwards lips replaying in his mind. He hated when the man looked at him like that just when he started to warm up to him in the past months. He wanted to prove him and everyone else that he could do it

Determination slowly won over and his frown turned into a grin.

'I will show Iruka and everyone I can do it, yeah and then then Iruka will be proud of me and they couldn't laught at me anymore. Maybe Sakura would like to go to a date with me then and I will also be closer to taking old man hat!!' A wave of excitement hit the boy imagining all those possibility's happening.

"Yeah, let's to it!!" He said out-loud fired up once again. He jumped up spending a short moment in air before his feet hitting the old wooden floor with a creak.

His fingers moved trough the hand-sings as he felt the Chakra built up as he cried -


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