Chapter 15: Gang is Back Together! (well not really)

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Sorry for the wait! Let's get going!

3rd Person

Percy and Artemis were on the top floor of the Artemis building, her private quarters. 

Artemis sat Percy down, this was going to be hard. 

"Percy" she sighed "I really need to talk with you, and it's not easy"

"What's wrong!" His red eyes were shining with concern, and Artemis couldn't help but wish they were green again, the Red eyes had a strange beauty to them, but that paled in comparison to his original sea-green.

"I-I have feelings for you Percy" She looked extremely conflicted "and I care for you, I don't know what they are, but I know that they are not platonic. A-and I'm scared" This was it...her most vulnerable point, Percy's eyes seemed to change a little like a red curtain was slowly being pulled off his eyes. 

"Artemis, I...I feel the same way...look I know this is bad, you can't have relationships with males, and I...well let's say I'm probably mentally unstable, but I know that I have feelings for you, where should we go from here?"

Artemis thought for a moment, "Well, I am new to this, so how about we try something? An experiment, of sorts."

"Uh...okay, what kind of--" 

Artemis brought up all of her courage, and kissed him. 

They both thought the same thing...mostly

'Oh my Gods, why didn't we do this sooner!?'  

'heh...sure platonic all the way, but Darius! she is just a friend! Just a friend my furry a--' 

Percy immediately pulled back and silenced Darius, he didn't need his commentary. 

" didn't--" 

"NO! Artemis that...that was indescribable, I'm sorry Darius was making his stupid commentary."

"Wait...Darius?" Artemis was very confused, how did this go from kissing to the name of his wolf form?

"Yeah, my wolf form has its own personality, remember? And he's really annoying. Look the kiss, it was awesome and--"

"Milady Artemis," Thalia chose the worst time to interrupt, "Chiron is here, the camp Leaders are ready to speak with you." 

"Crap." Percy changed into wolf form, Artemis stood up and fixed her ruffled clothing, "We'll continue this talk later Percy." 

Walking down they met up with the Hunters and walked out of the door. Chiron was outside with a small group of infantry. 

"Hello Lady Artemis, these troops are here to escort you to the Leaders, I can take your wolf and the hunters till you get back." 

"Thank you, Chiron, but I really don't need escorting, and Darius is ordered to stay with us at all times, but I'm sure the hunt will be glad for your company."

"It's standard procedure during wartimes, I'm sorry, but Darius can stay" sighing Artemis agreed and Darius and herself followed the soldiers. 

They went up to a tall building and were shown inside, Annabeth was waiting for them. 

"Artemis!" She gave a quick bow. "It's good to see you milady!" 

"The pleasure is mine lady Annabeth, could you do something about our company?" 

Seeing the troops she apologized "I'm sorry milady, It is standard procedure, and god gets an escort, even myself. You can all go now, thank you" The troops saluted and went away. 

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