Chapter 19: Super Secret Date Pt. 2

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Hey everyone! I decided to try and get this chapter out a bit here it is! This chapter will be all about the Pertemis date, probably not much action. 

Let's get to it!

3rd Person

In another burst of black and silver energy, Percy and Artemis arrived at another location. They had traveled into another alley so they wouldn't be seen 'teleporting' Humanity was advanced now, but not that advanced.

Walking out they were met with a large variety of sights. They seemed to have traveled to a tropical seaside location. There was a beach a little ways away from them, and there was a large boardwalk, filled with tourists and bikers. 

The buildings were tall, silvery, and futuristic, large glowy billboards were displaying their Brand and Name, some buildings were hotels, others were Restaurants or just simple gift shops.

Waiting for a group of hoverboarding teens to pass by, Artemis and Percy began walking hand in hand down the boardwalk, looking at different restaurants, and at the holo-projectors placed around the walkways, displaying a variety of messages, animated shorts, or even interactable games for people to play. 

After walking a bit, they decided to go to a restaurant called 'Italia Futura' which meant 'Future Italy' or "Italy Future' whichever you wanted. (A/N best I could come up with, I suck at naming things) 

"Percy? You know, I've never actually had Italian food, which is ironic since Rome was in Italy, and I am a part of the Ancient Roman culture, and yet I have never once in the millennia I've been alive had Italian food."

"Really? Well, I'm no at all, I'm pretty sure Spaghetti is Italian food, pretty much any pasta right? Oh! Pizza, that's Italian right?"

A waiter inched over to them, "Yes it is, but don't let Mr. Rolly hear you say that, I swear, he's not even Italian, yet he still hates it whenever people call Pizza and Italian food, even though it basically is" 

(A/N Funfact: Pizza is not actually Italian, the people of Italy just developed it further than its original creators, ironically {at least for this story} if one must get technical the Ancient Greeks were the ones who created the first version of pizza, which was flatbread with different ingredients baked into it, the Italians 'borrowed' that and it  eventually became the food most of us enjoy at least once a week)

The waiter brought them to a table and took their drink orders, leaving them to talk a bit. 

Now Percy and Artemis didn't really have to do the 'getting to know your date' they knew each other pretty well already, they did however talk about their childhoods, something that not many people knew about either of them.

Artemis talked about her years as a young godling, no powers, no domains, just Apollo, Leto, and herself. 

Percy talked about his childhood, trying to skip over Smelly Gabe as much as possible, he didn't think his tale of a drunk overweight man tormenting him for the majority of his childhood would make good conversation material, especially on a date with Artemis.

(A/N Now it is not confirmed in the books, but I'm pretty sure Smelly Gabe was worse to Percy than we were originally shown, that is my personal belief at least..which is depressing) 

Later the waiter came back, giving them their drinks a taking their food orders.

As Percy was sipping some wine (something he rarely drank, but it was a special occasion) he asked a question that was bothering him,

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