With War Comes Loss...(Part 1): Chapter 27

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Hey everyone! I'm back! Before I start I just want to quickly thank you all for your compliments and support, I really hope you all continue to enjoy this story.

Also, chapter 1 is almost at 1k! reads! And the story in total has almost 16k! Thank you all. 

Alright to the chapter!

3rd Person

Artemis carefully helped Percy up, he looked awful, he was bloody, tired, and grimy. As soon as Artemis began helping him below deck a hissing sound could be heard, and Artemis inhaled slightly in pain, some of the blood from Percy's gaping stomach wound, had fallen on the armor, and it had already eaten away to her skin.

"Sorry...that must hurt..."

"Percy, you're the one with his guts literally on display to the world, stop worrying about me for a sec, let's get you patched up...are there any bandages that we can use on you?"

"Yeah...I packed some" 

Artemis was slowly getting him to the doors leading below deck when Percy called out in alarm. 



"My helmet...it fell...off" 

"OH! Right, you kinda need that."

Letting Percy down Artemis quickly ran around the deck looking for Percy's helmet, it was hard, let's say the deck was...messy. 

Eventually, she found it, it was laying towards the portside railing, with a huge gash on its left side, the left eye lens now shattered. 

"I'm gonna need to fix that..."

"No...It's alright...I'll find a way to fix it..." 

"You're injured! You have no way to fix this right now! I will be the one to fix it!"


"No arguments!"

"But...but I don't want you to feel like you need to do everything for me...I know that you like to be independent and not have to rely on others or be a...lack of a better term-nanny, especially for a male" 

Artemis sighed, she knew this talk would come, their relationship had been going strong, but she'd treated almost all other males with disdain, and the ones she didn't she kept a distance from. 

"Look...Percy...we will talk about this later, but know this; every day I fall more and more in love with you, I may dislike males but...you are the exception, and you've helped me see that there are some males I can see as my friends. But remember this...you are the only man I will dote on and take care of, and I will do it with a smile on my face!"

"That...was very nice...I'd say something similar but I'm currently bleeding out on the deck of our ruined warship" 

"Oh put the helmet on!" 

Percy, with the help of Artemis, got the helmet on, it tried to vacuum seal, but the gash in it prevented it from functioning properly, after a few worrying sparks, the helmet stopped trying to seal and stayed silent. 

As usual, the helmet covered his entire head, going to his neck which was covered by a combination of cloth and armor, but now on his left side, there was a long gash across it. 

And with the lens shattered, one bright, the vivid crimson eye could be seen, glowing from the helmet, a sea of passion, experience, pain, and other emotions swirling through them, it was a glorious sight.

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