Chapter 20: Emergency Meeting

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Right on to it! Sorry for the delay!

3rd Person

Percy and Artemis were in the Council Room, Percy in full Alkiviadis attire, wings and all. Artemis had explained why Emperor Hydra was such a big deal, and why they needed to inform the council. 

The Emperor Hydras were extremely ancient, dating back to when Chaos created the first primordials. While they resemble the Hydra, they were just the animals Chaos used to practice different techniques. That is why their scales are all a variety of colors, they have a large variety of unrelated powers, which of course makes them extremely powerful. 

The one they fought in the alleyway was probably one of the weakest of them all. Emperor Hydra's have been known to give the weaker primordials a hard fight, and just because it's a weaker primordial, doesn't mean it's a weak primordial. 

If Tartarus had somehow gotten ALL of the emperor Hydras into his army, they were in for an extremely tough fight.

Artemis shot her arrow into the sky, signaling for the Olympians to gather. Pretty quickly all the gods were sitting, Including Artemis, leaving Percy to stand next to her throne. 

"Daughter, why did you call us here? Is everything going alright at the camp?"

"Yes father, myself, Percy, and my hunters all arrived safely at camp, and we are scouting out for spies before letting Alkaviadis show himself. Lady Annabeth is assisting us in our search along with her spouse" 

"So why are we here sis?" Apollo questioned. 

"Percy and I were out of camp, letting Percy walk around without his disguise when we were ambushed by an Emperor Hydra" 

Gasps flew about the room, quickly silenced by Zeus. 

"An emperor Hydra?! Are you sure?" 

"Yes, Lord Zeus, Artemis, and I were able to defeat it, leading to me fading him into the void. But Artemis confirmed it was an Emperor Hydra, though a weak one, possible just reaching adulthood" 

"Hmm, yes this news is disturbing, if Emperor Hydras are allied with Tartarus, what other ancient beast is with him as well? Despite our advancements, we will not stand a chance, we need allies, anyone?"

Some gods raised their hands Podiedon lead first "I may be able to contact Pontus, the primordial of the sea, he could aid us in our efforts" 

Hades stood "I may be able to contact Lady Nyx, she hates her brother, and always wants a fight, maybe she would be willing to help us." 

Percy stood up "I have a way to contact Aether and his Angels, I may be fallen, but I am respected by their Leaders, they may offer help, if anything just to stop Tartarus" 

"Good, anyone else with contact with a primordial should ask for assistance, this will be the hardest fight we've had in millennia" 

"Father, what of the reformed Titans, such as my mother, or Iapetus could they offer assistance, or perhaps Grandmother?" Artemis questioned. 

Zeus grew pale at the mention of his mother "W-Well...maybe" 

Poseidon laughed "I bet you regret imprisoning Mother, or should I say 'Moving our beloved Mother to a safer location where she cannot in any way come to any harm whatsoever' more like, 'I don't trust my own mother even though she helped me, so I am going to detain her' You dear brother are almost as paranoid as our Father!" 

Hades jutted in "Come on Zeus! You at least visited her, yes? I mean Posidon and I did." 

Zeus got even paler, and surprisingly Hestia was the one who laughed "Or poor Zeusy, little brother you are so dead" 

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