War Meeting: Chapter 24

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Picking up right where I left off if you're confused I'd suggest re-reading the last bit of chapter 23.

Also big A/N at the end, reading is advised.

Alright, here we go!

3rd Person

In response to Percy's nod, most of the war council stood yelling out questions and their concerns.

"SILENCE!" Zeus cried, looking over those with questions he picked one "Commander Daniels"

"Thank you sir, what do you mean by advances fighting techniques?" Rebbeca asked.

"Akiviadis would you like to explain?"

"With pleasure Lord Zeus, what I'll be teaching will be a complex course on the various creatures we either know Tartarus has at his disposal and the ones we theorize he has access to. I will teach you all their strengths, and their weaknesses, I will teach you how to defend against them, and how to kill them. Any questions?"

"Yes, could you go over them for us now?"

Percy looked to Zeus, who gave him a nod.

"Alright, but this will be long, I won't cover much on attacking, those who want to know will attend my class.

Starting off, you have your basic monsters, these all of us know how to deal with, we have been for millennia.

Next, I'll go to the fallen. Fallen ones are either blessed demons of Tartarus or cursed angels, you can't tell the two apart.

A fallen one has wings for flight, sharp talons, and tough outer skin, they, like many of Tartarus' creatures, have acidic blood, very few things can naturally resist it, but there are many magical means to stop your equipment from burning.

A fallen one's unique ability is to consume the soul of those which they kill, sending them straight to the void, the more they eat, the bigger and stronger they get.

Then there are the cursed souls, these are mortals that have been cursed to Tartarus after they die, either from the judgment in the underworld or other means before death. These are the footsoldiers of Tartarus' forces, they take the shape of a man or woman, in ancient greek battle gear, but they seem to be made of shadow.

These are souls so their unique ability is that they are intangible, only a few metals can actually harm them. That is iron, Olympic silver, chaos metal, and Stygian Iron, others are theorized to work, so I'd get our science teams on that" Everyone was taking notes.

"Next we have of course imprisoned divine beings. Many immortals long forgotten but not added reside in the pit, Tartarus has almost all of their loyalty and support, many are unknown, but we all know the Titans and Giants are there, but they are reforming.

Artemis and I confirmed that he has the Emperor Hydra's at his disposal, these beasts were some of the first monsters, almost as old as the primordial themselves. They can control all Dragons, Drakons, and Hydra. They have nine heads, each breath a different elemental attack, and are extremely dangerous.

Then we have Devils, these creatures are brutes, they pack and punch, and can take a lot of hits, add to that their speed and you have a killing machine. These things are Tartarus' chief torturers, I've spent a lot of time with them...

They have razor-sharp claws on their hands and feet, sharp teeth as well. They're skilled in a variety of weapons and are not to be trifled with, If you see these contact at least two Gods for one Devil, they are not immortal just partially, but do not underestimate them!

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