Chapter 2: The Awards

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Darkness, that's all I saw, all I felt, empty, void of emotion. Suddenly I see dark gates and a three-headed dog looking at me sadly. A force pushes me through until I'm in front of three masked figures. All were black cloaks and blank golden masks. "Perseus Jackson" one spoke "It is time," the next said "for the judging" the last stated.

Suddenly a mist appears in front of me showing some sort of woman with brown hair and blue eyes staring down. I watch a kid defeats many challenges, an abusive step-father, school, monsters. Then it dawns on me, this is my life. Suddenly I remember my whole life, the great prophecy, the quests, Gaea, Annabeth, oh gods, Annabeth is gonna kill well you know what I mean.

As I watch my life once more I feel a tugging on my shoulder, first faint, but as we near my battle with Gaea it gets painful. As I cry out the mist dissolves. Looking at me the Judges spoke. "Perseus Jackson we have decided to put you In--" "Wait brother." one spoke, interrupting him "look," he said pointing to me. As the first Judge laid his eyes upon me he groaned "not this again" sighing he said, "well my good fellow looks like the fates still think you needed" and with that, he snapped his fingers, and I was engulfed in bright light.

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Opening my eyes once more I find I am no longer in the underworld but in a hospital bed. I try to sit up, but pain flairs through my chest. After trying four more times I finally sit up, just to have a screaming alarm go off. I hear a faint "HE'S AWAKE!" from a door to my left. Turning I see the door slam open with a bang. "Well, at least the alarms off," I thought to myself.

Suddenly I'm hit with what seems to be multiple people, only to realize they are. Looking at my attackers I see Annabeth, Thalia, Nico, Dad, Hestia, Hazel, Frank, Artemis, wait...ARTEMIS. All in one huge hug/punch fest. The voice now which I now Identified as Apollo starts screaming, "GET OFF OF HIM HE JUST DIED FOR HADES'S SAKE!!!!".

After pulling them all of me he checked my vitals and started using healing magic on my chest. "what happened?" I questioned. "WHAT HAPPENED, you, my friend just killed a primordial, not to mention one of the strongest, In her domain, ACTUALLY WON, and than you got stabbed" he exclaimed "I know that Apollo, I mean why was I being judged when they suddenly say something like 'young hero its not your time' than I was pulled, painfully I might add, here. So what happened?" I argued "Oh, we just used the physicians cure" that makes sense. "so how long was I out, Is everyone okay, how is camp?!" I rambled "ah Percy" he laughed "you were out a day, your friends are fine, and camp is going to be redesigned by Annabeth."

"Now com-on dude, you need a shower, some new clothes, and a wheelchair" he added.

"Wait, why a wheelchair?" I asked.

"When you fell both your legs broke, they'll be fine, just needs time to heal" he explained

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After getting freshened up I joined the other six members of our group along with Reyna, Nico, and the Cabin counselors, we set off, Annabeth pushing me there. As we arrived the group kneeled. I attempted to bow but I just look like a fat walrus hunches over.

"Heroes!" Zeus boomed "Today we celebrate another victory for Olympus. You all are the recognized heroes of the war and shall be rewarded for your efforts."

"Will Solace step forward....."

after every head counselor was given partial-immortality, the seven Nico and Reyna, step forward.

"Reyna daughter of Bellona" Jupiter states, shifting to Roman form "we offer you full immortality, the title Guardian of Rome, and Eternal praetorship till retirement. Do you accept?"

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