Chapter 5: Percy's Even Newer Challenge

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As I walk away I try to put on a happy face, but depression has never been closer. After completing my tasks I'm told its been six years. Hephaestus said and I quote 'brace yourself, Percy, life is turning upside down.' Oh, how right he was.

I not mad at Annabeth, or Damien. Maybe that's just my loyalty talking again, but I don't feel any malice towards them. It looks as if Annabeth just moved on, she said she looked for me. I also heard them talking about it being their third date together. As long as she's happy. 

But what about me?

That question keeps burning in my head with others like,

What now?

What's my purpose?

Why me?

I realize I'm back at the camp section of the city. Remembering all the good times I had here and at the old camps, Jason, Frank, Piper, Annab...

'Those times are long gone now' I stopped myself.

Hearing commotion to my left I look at a circle of campers and hunters, all screaming 'FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT' needing something to keep my mind of recent events, I go check it out.

Entering the circle I see Thalia and Jason having a lightning battle and Thalia winning. Jason is the GOD of lightning, yet she can still whip his butt. Walking into the front I just stand and watch. After a good five minutes, Thalia sees me and goes wide-eyed. "Y-your ba--" she didn't get to finish as she was knocked out by an electrified punch. 

Pushing people out of the way I explain to the hunters I'm gonna take her to the infirmary. Everyone looks shocked that I'm back but I ignore the looks. "Right now I gotta take my cousin to the infirmary, after that questions" I state.

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Its been thirty-two minutes since Thalia got punched, and the nurse says she'll be up soon. She slowly sits up and says "Jason, I had the weirdest dream. We were having a spar, and then Percy came back!" she said sleepily. "Well, as far as I know, I'm not Jason, and I am back," I said slightly laughing. As she jumps up anger, happiness, shock, fear, and guilt, are what I see flashing through her eyes. 

"Ummmm, hey Percy, where've you been?"

"Oh you know, doing an almost impossible task for Athena so I could have her blessing to marry Annabeth," I state in a bored tone.

She looks even worse at this "Uh-um, well I wouldn't look for her right now she's a--" I interrupt

"At a date, yeah I know Thals. Gave the guy the ring I made"

"Percy I'm so sorry, I-I encouraged her to move on. I-I'm at f-fault here" she says.

"It's okay Thals, she looks happy, the guy is nice. That's all I could want for her"

She then states the question I've been trying to answer "But what about you?"

"I don't know Thalia, I don't know. I know I'm gonna travel a bit, collect my thoughts but after that, I don't know"

"Okay Percy, Umm-uh, Good Luck"

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After talking with a few more friends I repack my bag and prepare to leave. As I walk to the gates my mind wanders, what am I going to do after this? How can I move on from a blow like this? As I'm thinking I don't see a figure in front of me, bumping into them I accidentally knock them over causing them to fall. Reacting quickly I grab them before they hit the ground and set them in their feet. Now being able to see ARTEMIS! I'm so dead,

 "My apologies lady Artemis" I start "I should have been looking where I was going" 

"It's fine Perseus, thank you for catching me," she says "are you okay? your eyes have lost their mirth."

"It's that obvious? I thought I was better at hiding emotions like that" I exclaim

"Your face hides all emotion well Perseus, but your eyes always show your emotions. What's wrong?" she questions.

So I explain my tale of woe and what I'm doing now. Her face goes from sadness, anger, acceptance than to worry? 

"Perseus, It may be hard right now, but remember your friends and family okay?" she says "One of which I hope is me" she adds.

 "Of course milady Artemis," I say

"Good, and now that we're officially friends, I order you to call me Artemis"

"Of course as long as you call me Percy," I say

she nods "Well then, goodbye Perse-Percy"

"Goodbye Artemis"

And with that, I leave the city to travel the world once more.

DONE. Hopefully, you like it. I know there short be they'll hopefully get longer...bye

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