Chapter 10: Talk with Artemis

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Just a short one to get out there!

3rd Person

Artemis led Percy out of the council room towards a garden. It was simple and quaint. Small braziers of homely flame lined the walkways, Picnic areas and firepits were spread throughout the grounds.

"Hestia's Garden?" Percy said. "Very Observant Percy" Artemis chuckled "Yes, it is. I thought that the calming atmosphere of this place would do both of us some good." Percy chuckled a bit at that.

"So what did you wish to discuss with me?" Percy said.


"Many things Percy...You still are alright with me calling you that right?"

"Artemis I now go by many names, some of which strike fear into the hearts of the most ancient of monsters, but in any case being called Percy instead of the 'Burner of Souls' is a nice change"

Artemis noted that he hadn't yet put his helmet back on, and observed his appearance once more.

"Percy? What caused the physical changes, your hair is white speckled with black, your skin is paler, and your eyes are Red!"

"Artemis everything in Tartarus is dangerous, the air is toxic, the liquids are poison, and the terrain hurts on a daily basis. Though I am powerful even my immortal body was affected due to my prolonged exposure to not just Tartarus but the physical form of the primordial himself, which eventually changed my form into this. I'm  sure that eventually if I stay on the mortal plane long enough my features will once again change."

"What of Riptide Percy?"

At this Percy seemed to take on a sad expression.

"I still have it, right here actually". Percy then brought out a pure black pen.

"Tartarus was fascinated by Riptide, a sword powered by an immortal soul, he wanted to see if he could replicate it, he experimented on it many times even imbuing it with some of his own power. Thus changing its feel and appearance."

As he said this he uncapped Riptide and what sprung forth was a void like a blade, black with red fumes seeping off.

"I rarely use it, it's extremely powerful but also extremely corrupted. Just holding it seems to taint my soul, but I swore two things. One rid this blade of Tartarus's power and free the immortal soul in this blade."

Zoe Artemis thought.

"This sword has many locked powers, it helped defeat Kronos, and it stabbed through Gaea, Zoe is now not the only source of immortal power so I've been experimenting on my own trying to separate the immortal essences from the soul. Then if I can do that I can extract the soul and can get her body from the stars, since it's her immortal soul the wounds will be of no importance. And we get Zoe back, in theory."

Just as Percy finished Artemis pulled him into a crushing hug.
"Wow...I guess crushing hugs is a daughter of Zeus thing"

Artemis then realized what she was doing and pulled away though in the back of her mind a part of her missed the contact. Pushing away these thoughts Artemis cleared her throat.

"Well, we need to discuss the council meeting, for once everyone was serious and doing their jobs!" They both laughed a little at that.

" My own tasks do have to do with your hunt, I have been assigned to travel with your hunt and protect them along the way, which though you may not like we both cannot get out of. And then another task will be given once I reach the city."

"Yes, well though I am not pleased that I was given no choice in the matter. It is fine that you travel with us, my task itself is simple in nature and with the hunters, it will be a breeze."

"Alright, so based on your current position how long will it take to get to camp Olympian?"

"My hunt travels swiftly, the longest it would take is four days, five if there are large monsters groups in our way."

"Well, that means I have five days to train your hunters." Percy laughed a bit.

"Well, what about your identity, who will you reveal it to?"

"I've been thinking about that, I'm going to reveal it to your hunt, many know Percy and many know Alkiviadis, I've now got to show them that they are one person. At camp, I'm planning to reveal it to my old friends but hold off on the whole city till later."

" And what if Annabeth and Damien I've heard their married now."

"I've met Damien and I know Annabeth, though it was hard I've gotten over it and hope they're happy. Honestly, they'll probably be the first ones to know."

Though surprised that Percy was fine with Annabeth's relationship, it also was reassuring a little of the old Percy was still there. Just hidden under pain, formality, and experience.

"Well Percy we can talk more on the journey and I've been absent from my hunters long enough ready?"
Artemis asked, holding her hand out to teleport them there.

Percy smirked a little "I think I'll make my own entrance" and with that, the helmet was back on the hood up, and in a flap of black and silver wings, he was gone.

"Well, at least the old Percy is still there just toned down," Artemis said to herself, and in an explosion of her true form the goddess flashed away in a blast of silver.

Done it was short yes but it a chapter!  I'll be out with the next chapter in a bit.
See ya!


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