Chapter 8: The Council and Memories Pt2

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As Percy came to the first thing he noticed was how bright it was. Seriously after who knows how long in the darkness of Tartarus, being back in the sun can be painful. The second thing he noticed was that he was in what looked to be a med-bay. The third thing he happened to notice once his vision cleared fully, was that every doctor and nurse seemed to have pure white wings. 

"Ah" a woman in white robes exclaimed, drawing him from his unintelligent thinking process. "You've awoken, I am Sutcha Mina the head healer of the angels, I must say you've been through the wringer". The now identified Sutcha continued, "Due to certain problems, circumstances, and abilities you have you will be meeting with our superiors! isn't that great!" She said in an overly happy voice. 

"What happ-" I began, "Ah now no questions, they will be answered by the commander. Now come along" and with that, she grabbed his arm, pulled him out of bed, and dragged him towards the door.

Once out of the medical area Percy took the moment to look at his new surroundings. It appeared to be a large army camp winged warriors covered in spartan like armor (they look like the warrior in the cover picture) standing shoulder to shoulder marching, drilling, and training. He is eventually brought towards a large white building. 

"This is HQ Commander and Mr. A is in there ready to explain everything, good luck!" and with that, she shoved him into the building.   

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As Percy stumbles into the building he has to close his eyes due to the brightness.

"Oh!" a cheerful voice starts "Your here! Well welcome I am Aet-oh wait let me turn that down".  With that the light in the room becomes bearable. "As I was saying I'm Aether primordial god of light and the upper atmosphere!" he once again starts. 

As soon as hearing primordial Percy immediately tensed up.  "Oh don't worry I'm not gonna go all 'Destroy humankind' on ya!" this guy was reminding him of Apollo. "One sec let me get the commander up here." he snapped and a burly man with large grayish-white wings immediately blipped into existence next to him. "Ah Percy, I can call you Percy right? Anyway, this is Eustace, weird name  I know" he snickered at that last bit (whilst the now identified Eustace glared). 

"Anyway, congrats your not in Tartarus anymore! That must have sucked properly felt like 200 years with the time manipulation factor and the stretching between planes." 200 years!  "Oh...dodon't worry it's only been about 20 in the mortal plane".  

"So the thing is you've had some interesting thing pop-up on the health scanners, shadow flame are you kidding me! So cool! Anyway, we need you inducted, given wings, and trained, and we need it yesterday!" he got a mischievous expression at this. "So here is your itinerary" handing him a folded paper "when that's done come see me" and with that, he exploded into a ball of light and disappeared Eustace going with him.

Unfolding the note it had only a few words:

"It's time for training eh Perseus?" it said and suddenly he was in a white room.

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The orb showed an almost movie-like replay of Aether explaining how to train and use his powers than cut to a shot of Percy failing at it. Eventually in what looked like it had taken forever in real-time Percy was a master at almost any weapon and could control ALL of his powers perfectly, and in harmony.

Aether than spoke:

"Well, Percy, good job, and thanks goodness you finished cause Chronos needed his all-powerful 'timepiece' back. You'll see me in a few seconds and then you get your wings! Just find me".

Then in another blip, he was right back where he began, and no time had passed AT ALL. Finding Aether lounging on a recliner watching a cooking show, whilst eating chips, he gets his attention with a cough. 

"Oh, Percy! ready for my favorite part? Wings! alright hold still so I may do this oh so complicated, and majestic ritual of awesomeness!" Percy snorted and then remained still. 

"Εγώ ο Αιθέρος παραχωρεί σε αυτήν την ψυχή το δώρο της πτήσης, τη μοναδική και ιερή ικανότητα που προσφέρουν αυτά τα φτερά, τα χρησιμοποιώ καλά, για την αλήθεια, και διατηρώντας το καλό αυτού του κόσμου." 

(I Aether grant this soul the gift of flight, the unique and holy ability provided by these wings, use them well, for truth, and preserving the good of this world.)

Percy immediately felt a burning sensation of his back and where his brand was. His brand began to shine a vivid purple. Aether's eyes widened and seemed to look for a second mark but found non. 

Once the pain stopped Percy looked behind him to see a beautiful pair of pure void black wings, silver blade-like feathers at the tips. Aether looked saddened, surprised, and anxious all at once, then he began to speak: 

"Well your luck seems to always be constant doesn't it Percy?" he had a sad smile on his face, "I have three good things and one bad thing, which one would you like to hear first?" 

"Umm...good?" Percy Responds.

"Alright one, you look great with those wings dude! I am kinda jealous. Two you have the Silver feathers meaning that your soul is pure, I expect great things from you Perce, and three I don't have to kill you!' Wait for what?

"let me give you the bad news, the explanation, Whilst in Tartarus who were branded by the mark of Tartarus. Thankfully you escaped before Tartarus got back and put on the second claiming brand, or we wouldn't even be having this conversation. The mark left the essence of Tartarus in your system, and no matter how hard I try to extract it, even using the purest of energy coming from my true form, it won't come off. This stuff is permanent"  he then looks at the silver feathers in awe. "These feathers are only given to those who have had the character judged and evaluated, only the purest of souls".

"So what happens now?" Peter said. 

" have been proven to be worthy of the silver feathers despite the fallen wings, Your training is complete. thank goodness we started early" Aether.

Percy chuckled and looked at his place that he would ask, but Aether continued. "as an identified fallen I can't keep you here so I'll have to send you back to the mortal plane, be a hero, get a job, take this chance!

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Percy was walking around a housing block, minding his own business. As he passed a house he heard drunken yelling and breaking of bottles, Percy kicked down the door to see a small underfed little demigod girl (he could just tell). After seeing her injuries Percy saw red and went after the still yelling man. And Alkiviadis Soterios was born.

Olympian reactions next chapter! sorry, it took me forever on this one. 

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