Chapter 9: Reaction and Problem

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3rd Person

The orb faded away and the Olympians pondered what they had just seen. Finally, Poseidon asks "You were in Tartarus?" 

"Yes, father I was" Percy replies simply, the thought of the horrid place making the gods shudder. 

"So why have you finally come to Olympus?" Zeus questioned. After some thought, he responded, "Lord Zeus, I have two major reasons for my return" he started coldly "Ever since my return from Tartarus I have been searching for a calling, an occupation to call my own that will neither bore me nor be simple. I thought that I could find this myself but I still haven't found my purpose. My second reason is that I have sensed the spirit of ancient beings stir, and I fear that a war is in our close future." The gods were saddened by Percy's coldness and formality but Tartarus can do that to you.  

(Serious mode) 

"Yes" Hades started slowly "I to have sensed it, and the recent increase on attacks on the cities and camps can't be a coincidence. " Ares than continues "The attacks on New Athens and Rome have been upping in scale every month or so, the outposts that protect them are running low on supplies, the prayers I receive for help in battle grow in number and it Is starting to get concerning." The rooms are surprised at Ares saying something helpful but decide that it's the war room atmosphere taking effect.  

"The attack today on my hunters shows that we to are being targeted we should expect an attack at new Sparta, and camp Olympian soon," Artemis says. "Daughter" Zeus says "Your never mentioned an attack on your hunters, what happened?".

Artemis began her story "My hunters and I were on our routine hunting grounds, tracking Alkiviadis. We stopped for a break, and after a few moments, I heard heavy footsteps. Thinking It was just one monster I ordered my girls into our basic hunting formation and we went and surrounded the monster which happened to be the minotaur. After a few moments, the minotaur signaled a large troop of monsters one that my hunters couldn't hope to defeat in our current state. When Percy over here showed up and defeated them." Though shocked at the son of Poseidon's power the gods needed to stay focused on the meeting (the first serious meeting they've had in decades). 

Athena began her observation "Well it is a basic strategy based on known facts, the ambush was set up on ground they knew you would be on. At a time when your hunters and yourself were exhausted, and knowing your hunters skill the ambush force was larger than a usual one. We all know that if Perseus hadn't interfered Artemis would be reforming in Tartarus and the hunters would be meeting the judges.  One could infer based on the strategies used that it is a little too well thought out for a basic monster so either one of the more ancient intelligent mosters has finally returned from Tartarus or another being is behind it all".  

"Then we should send reinforcement from camp Olympian to New Rome and Athens, along with supplies and aid. Gods, since the war had not started yet, we can help prep them all. Ares, I want you to make rounds to all city camps outposts, and small fighting groups, bring Hermes, make sure that their training regimes are up to date along with their defenses and weaponry.

Apollo, you will do the same thing except make sure all medical staff are well-trained and in high number, and that their coffers are overflowing in medical equipment. Athena visit all leading officers and officials educate them in modern and ancient battle strategy and then return to help with war plans. Hephaestus I want you to visit and help all the forges we are going to need powerful weapons. Brothers, I want you to prep your realms for war, Poseidon see if there are any sea monsters we can ally with, Hades prepare your underworld to smoothly move souls to their resting places, and station your best guards around all entrances to Tartarus, as well as any places of importance. 

Demeter and Dionysus, I need you to visit all cities, camps, and outposts, make sure their food production is efficient and high, and help stock up their stores. Hestia, you help them and help calm down any in need of it. Aphrodite help where you can. Hera you and I will be going to each minor god and friendly titan confirming their allegiance and asking for assistance, Artemis I need you to make the journey to camp Olympian with your hunters, hunt as many animals as you can without negative effect, and send most of it to Demeter.

 If any of you have a minor god in mind whos powers will benefit your efforts have them help, and finally, Perseus, thank you for returning and for helping my daughter, I would like you to travel with the hunters to the camp, protect them as they go, and train them as well. When you get to camp I will send orders to the camp leaders of your duties you will not have to show your identity if you do not wish, but training the demigods will help.

 Though my daughter might not agree I trust you and with all you have been through you have earned this councils respect. We can talk later about anything you require but as of now these tasks are our main focus, if you gods have any time left over from your tasks, that means ALL OF YOU (looking at Aphrodite and Dionysus) even you Hestia, I need you all training ether with our children or in the Olympian arena, age is making us out of practice and if war is coming than we can't afford that." Zeus ordered showing the real reason he is the ruler of the gods, not his power (there are more powerful than himself) because when push comes to shove, he puts all else to the side and becomes a leader. (yes good Zeus in this fic)

 "That is all in four months we will hold another war meeting Perseus I expect you to be there. Council dismissed". With that, the gods went to their tasks. 

Artemis walked over to Percy a partially annoyed expression on her face "Come on Percy we have much to talk about". With that, he followed her out of the doors to a garden.

There we go! kinda a short one but it's all finally getting to the story! The next chapter will also be a short one a little talk between Artemis and Percy, IDK when I'll write it but tell me what you think of this chapter! bye!


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