War: Chapter 22

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I'm going right on in!

3rd Person

Artemis rushed towards Sally's side as she fell to the ground, Percy was still trying to get Estelle off of him, it was great to see your sister, but when your mother is on the floor unconscious you need both arms available. 

Artemis put a finger on Sally's forehead, and a small silver zap of electricity flew towards Sally, not much, it looked like a small blip of static electricity, but it did the trick. 

Sally sprung up into a sitting position,  looking extremely confused, she relaxed when she saw Artemis. 

"Oh...Artemis, dear I had the strangest dream...You were here with Percy...and you looked like you were in a relationship!..and Percy was back...but come on you dating!"

Now it was Artemis' time to be confused, when did they ever tell Sally they were dating?

Sally kept rambling, that is until she turned her head and saw Percy, who had just gotten Estelle off of him. 

Sally fainted again.


It took multiple tries to get Sally conscious again, even longer to get her to stay conscious for longer than four minutes, but eventually, with Estelle's help, they were able to get Sally on the couch and keep her awake. 

"So...your telling me you didn't even know I was alive...or Estelle?"

"Yeah, I didn't, Artemis was the one who told me." 


"Um...well, we were...we...we were on a walk?"

Sally nodded "mmhm, and how many times did you kiss on that walk?" 

Percy and Artemis both blushed, their faces turning black and gold respectively. 

"That's so cool! Percy your face is all gray...like a vampire! Are you a vampire, if so is Artemis? Could I be one too? Is biting your significant other as pleasureful as I read in my books?"


"Sorry, mom." 

Artemis chuckled a little, "Umm, no, neither Percy, nor myself are vampires, the black blood is just one of Percy's many appearance changes, like his wings, or his hair, which until recently was mostly white" 

"Wait...backtrack, Wings?"

Percy nodded towards his sister, and unfurled his huge black and silver wings, 

"Can I touch one?"

After Percy's affirming nod, Estelle tentatively started to feel the black feathers on one of his wings, before moving to the silver ones.

"Careful Estelle, the silver feathers are razor-sharp, it's not fun to be cut by them, just ask the many monsters in Tartarus that I've killed with them"

"So my brother can fly, light things on fire, and shred things to bits with his wings...what can you not do?"

"Resist Mom's cooking"

"Percy no-one could do that" 

"Then I can do everything" 

"Wait, Artemis the business you mentioned, it was just Percy?" 

"Yes Sally, Percy heard you guys were still alive, so he wanted to visit you both, of course learning that his sister had a crush on his alter-ego almost made him not show up." 

"I do not have a crush on Percy...or Alkiviadis! If you must know I have a crush on  Christop--!!!..." Estelle slammed her hands over her mouth, but Artemis had already caught on.

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